The cookbook currently contains a lot of information that may be out of date. These pages will be updated over time and this warning will eventually be removed when the WebWork team feels that the content is 100% correct. |
Webwork Cookbook
Welcome to the Webwork Cookbook. This page is geared towards providing an exchange of information for developers. Your welcome to share knowledge and any helpful tips here. Don't forget to check out the Jira (http://jira.opensymphony.com/browse/WW), which contains several contributions for WW which may not be listed here.
Deployment notes
App Servers
Setting up Eclipse with Tomcat
Using Maven to set up an Eclipse project for Webwork
Interceptor Order
File Upload Interceptor
Webwork file upload handling
Transparent web-app I18N
Result examples
Redirect After Post Technique
How to validate field formats, such as a phone number
Value Stack Internals
Using WebWork Components
Accessing application, session, request objects
Application, Session, Request objects in jsp
Application, Session, Request objects in vm
How to format dates and numbers
Iterator tag examples
Tabular inputs with XWorkList
Exposing webwork objects to JSTL, with a JSTL and DisplayTag Example
Webwork 2 HTML form buttons Howto
Using Checkboxes
Using WebWork and XWork with JSP 2.0 and JSTL 1.1
Describing a bean in velocity
How do I populate a form bean and get the value using the taglib
Webwork 2 skinning