
WebWork supports JSP and Velocity for your application presentation layer. For this example we will use a JSP file. Webwork comes packaged with a tag library (taglibs). You can use these taglibs as components in your JSP file. Here is an section of our form.jsp page:

<%@ taglib prefix="ww" uri="webwork" %>
<head><title>Webwork Form Example</title></head>
   <ww:form name="myForm" action="'formTest'" namespace="/" method="POST">
    <ww:textfield label="First Name" name="'formBean.firstName'" value="formBean.firstName"/>
    <ww:textfield label="Last Name" name="'formBean.lastName'" value="formBean.lastName"/>
    <ww:submit value="Save Form"/>

The process of events will go as follows:

  1. WebWork will take notice since the URI ends in .action (defined in web.xml files)
  2. WebWork will look up the action formTest in its action hierarchy and call any Interceptors that might have been defined.
  3. WebWork will translate formTest and decide to call the method processForm in the class com.opensymphony.webwork.example.FormAction as defined in xwork.xml file.
  4. The method will process successfully and give WebWork the SUCCESS return parameter.
  5. WebWork will translate the SUCCESS return parameter into the location formSuccess.jsp (as defined in xwork.xml) and redirect accordingly.

Most of the content here provided by Matt Dowell <[email protected]>