Please make sure you have read the Tag Syntax document and understand how tag attribute syntax works.
Namespace should start with slash '/', as this is what WebWork (DefaultActionMapper) expects.


This tag is used to create a URL.

You can use the "param" tag inside the body to provide additional request parameters.


When includeParams is 'all' or 'get', the parameter defined in param tag will take precedence and will not be overriden if they exists in the parameter submitted. For example, in Example 3 below, if there is a id parameter in the url where the page this tag is included like http://://editUser.action?id=3333&name=John the generated url will be http://:/context>/editUser.action?id=22&name=John cause the parameter defined in the param tag will take precedence.







includeParams false get Object/String The includeParams attribute may have the value 'none', 'get' or 'all'.
scheme false   Object/String Set scheme attribute
value false   Object/String The target value to use, if not using action
action false   Object/String The action generate url for, if not using value
namespace false   Object/String The namespace to use
method false   Object/String The method of action to use
encode false true Boolean whether to encode parameters
includeContext false true Boolean whether actual context should be included in url
portletMode false   Object/String The resulting portlet mode
windowState false   Object/String The resulting portlet window state
portletUrlType false   Object/String Specifies if this should be a portlet render or action url
anchor false   Object/String The anchor for this URL
escapeAmp false   Object/String Whether to escape ampersand (&) to (&) or not, default to true.
id false   Object/String id for referencing element. For UI and form tags it will be used as HTML id attribute


<-- Example 1 -->
<ww:url value="editGadget.action">
    <ww:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />

<-- Example 2 -->
<ww:url action="editGadget">
    <ww:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />

<-- Example 3-->
<ww:url includeParams="get"  >
    &lt:param name="id" value="%{'22'}" />