3.12. Binary packaging

Delivering binary packages makes it much easier for the end-users to install Wireshark on their target system. This section will explain how the binary packages are made.

3.12.1. Debian: .deb packages

The Debian Package is built using dpkg-buildpackage, based on information found in the source tree under debian. See http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/336 for a more in-depth discussion of the build process.

In the wireshark directory, type:

$ make debian-package

to build the Debian Package.

3.12.2. Red Hat: .rpm packages

The RPM is built using rpmbuild (http://www.rpm.org/), which comes as standard on many flavours of Linux, including Red Hat and Fedora. The process creates a clean build environment in packaging/rpm/BUILD every time the RPM is built. The settings controlling the build are in packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in. After editing the settings in this file, ./configure must be run again in the wireshark directory to generate the actual specification script.


The SPEC file contains settings for the configure used to set the RPM build environment. These are completely independent of any settings passed to the usual Wireshark ./configure.

In the wireshark directory, type:

$ make rpm-package

to build the RPM. Once it is done, there will be a message stating where the built RPM can be found.


Because this does a clean build, as well as constructing the package, this can take quite a long time.

3.12.3. MAC OS X: .dmg packages

The MAC OS X Package is built using OS X packaging tools, based on information found in the source tree under packaging/macosx.

In the wireshark directory, type:

$ make osx-package

to build the MAC OS X Package.

3.12.4. Win32: NSIS .exe installer

The "Nullsoft Install System" is a free installer generator for Win32 based systems; instructions how to install it can be found in Section 4.17, “Win32: NSIS (optional)”. NSIS is script based, you will find the Wireshark installer generation script at: packaging/nsis/wireshark.nsi.

You will probably have to modify the MAKENSIS setting in the config.nmake file to specify where the NSIS binaries are installed.

In the wireshark directory, type:

> nmake -f makefile.nmake packaging

to build the installer.


Please be patient while the compression is done, it will take some time (a few minutes!) even on fast machines.

If everything went well, you will now find something like: wireshark-setup-1.4.exe in the packaging/nsis directory.