A Client-Aware Dispatching Algorithm for Web Clusters
Providing Multiple Services
Emiliano Casalicchio
University of Roma Tor Vergata
Roma, Italy, 00133
[email protected]
Michele Colajanni
University of Modena
Modena, Italy, 41100
[email protected]
is held by the author/owner.
May 1-5, 2001, Hong Kong.
The typical Web cluster architecture
consists of replicated back-end
and Web servers, and a network Web switch
that routes client requests among the nodes.
In this paper, we propose a new scheduling policy, namely client-aware
policy (CAP), for Web switches operating at layer-7 of the OSI protocol stack.
Its goal is
to improve load sharing in Web clusters that provide multiple
services such as static, dynamic and secure
CAP classifies the client requests on the basis of their expected impact on
main server resources, that is, network interface, CPU, disk. At run-time, CAP
schedules client requests reaching the Web cluster with the goal of sharing
all classes of services among the server nodes.
We demonstrate through a large set of simulations and some prototype experiments
that dispatching policies aiming to improve locality in server
caches give best results
for Web publishing sites providing static
information and some simple database searches. When
we consider Web sites providing also dynamic and secure services,
CAP is more effective than state-of-the-art layer-7 Web switch policies.
The proposed client-aware algorithm is also more robust than
server-aware policies whose performance depend, on optimal
tuning of system parameters, very hard to achieve in a highly dynamic
system such as a Web site.
Keywords: Load balancing,
Dispatching algorithms, Clusters
1 Introduction
The need to optimize the performance of popular
Web sites is producing a variety of novel architectures.
Geographically distributed Web servers [21,10]
and proxy server systems aim to
decrease user latency time through network access redistribution
and reduction of amount of data transferred, respectively.
In this paper we consider different Web systems, namely
Web clusters, that use a tightly coupled
distributed architecture.
From the user's point of view, any HTTP request to a Web cluster
is presented to a logical (front-end) server
that acts as a representative for the Web site.
This component called Web switch retains transparency of the parallel
architecture for the user, guarantees backward compatibility
with Internet protocols and standards, and distributes all client
requests to the Web and back-end servers. Cluster architectures
with Web switch dispatcher(s) have been adopted
with different solutions in various academic and commercial Web clusters,
e.g. [2,7,12,17,20]. Valuable recent surveys are
in [25,23].
One of the main operational aspects of any distributed system
is the availability of a mechanism that shares
the load over the server nodes. Numerous global
algorithms were proposed for multi-node architectures executing parallel
or distributed applications.
Unlike geographically distributed Web sites, where the
dispatching role is taken by system
components (e.g., DNS) that have
only a limited control on client requests [14,17],
the Web cluster with a single Web switch controlling all workload
is a very robust architecture to front Web arrivals that
tends to occur in waves with intervals of heavy peaks.
The motivations for a new dispatching policy come from two main
considerations on Web service distributions.
The service time of HTTP requests may have very large or infinite
variance even for traditional Web publishing sites.
Moreover, heterogeneity and
complexity of services and applications provided by Web sites is
continuously increasing. Traditional sites with most static contents
have being integrated with recent Web commerce and transactional sites combining
dynamic and secure services.
Web switch policies that want to dispatch the requests
in a highly heterogeneous and dynamic system by taking into account server states
require expensive and
hard to tuning mechanisms for monitoring and
evaluating the load on each server, gathering the results,
combining them, and taking real-time decisions.
For these reasons, we propose a client-aware policy (CAP)
policy that, in its pure version, takes dynamic decisions by looking only
at client requests instead of server states. CAP partitions the Web
cluster services into broad
classes on the basis of the expected impact that each request may have
on main server components, that is, network interface, CPU, disk.
Then, it
schedules client load by taking into account the service
class each request belongs to.
Under workload characteristics that resemble those
experienced by real Web sites,
we demonstrate through simulation and prototype experiments
that this simple client-aware policy
is much more effective than state-of-the-art dynamic algorithms when
applied to Web clusters
providing heterogeneous services such as static, dynamic
and secure information.
By using CAP, the 90-percentile of page
latency time can be half of that of commonly
used dynamic Web switch policies, such as Weighted-Round Robin [20]
and LARD [24].
Moreover, CAP
guarantees stable results for a wide range of Web sites
because it does not need a hard tuning of parameters for each type
of Web site as most server-aware policies require.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
In Section 2, we outline the typical architecture of a
Web cluster with a focus on Web switches.
In Section 3, we discuss some related work on
global scheduling algorithms for the Web switch and propose the CAP policy.
In Section 4, we present a detailed simulation model
for the Web cluster, and we discuss the results
for various classes of Web sites.
In Section 5, we describe a prototype of Web switch operating
at layer-7 that implements CAP and other policies, and analyze
experimental results in a controlled environment.
In Section 6, we give our final remarks.
2 Web clusters
A Web cluster refers to a Web site that uses two or more server
machines housed
together in a single location to handle user requests.
Although a large cluster may consist of dozens of Web servers and back-end servers,
it uses one hostname to provide
a single interface for users.
To have a mechanism that controls the totality of the requests
reaching the site and to mask the service distribution among
multiple servers, Web clusters provide
a single virtual IP address that corresponds to the address of the
front-end server(s). Independently of the mechanism
that existing Web clusters use to routing the load,
we refer to this entity as the Web switch.
The Domain Name Server(s) for the Web site
translates the site address (e.g., www.site.edu) into the IP address of the Web switch.
In such a way, the Web switch acts as a centralized global scheduler that
receives the totality of the requests and routes
them among the servers of the cluster (see Figure 1).
Figure 1:
Web cluster architecture.
We consider a Web cluster consisting of
homogeneous distributed servers that provide the same set of documents
and services.
The details about the operations of the Web cluster are
described in Section 4.1. Various academic
and commercial products confirm the increasing interest
in these distributed Web architectures.
In the IBM TCP router [17],
all HTTP requests reach the Web switch that distributes them
by modifying the destination IP address of each incoming packet:
the Web switch replaces its IP address with the private address
of the selected Web server.
Magicrouter [2], Distributed Packet Rewriting
[7] and Cisco LocalDirector [12] are
other Web cluster architectures relying on a Web switch that receives the
totality of client requests.
In particular,
Magicrouter is a mechanism of fast packet interposing where
a user level process acting as a switchboard intercepts network packets and
modifies them by changing addresses and checksum fields.
Cisco LocalDirector rewrites the IP header information of each
incoming packet
according with a dynamic table of mapping between each session
and the server to which it has been redirected.
Unlike the TCP router that modifies only the client-to-server packets
and lets the servers modify outgoing IP packets, Magicrouter
and LocalDirector Web switches can be defined as gateways because
they intervene even on server-to-client
An evolution of the TCP router architecture is represented
by the IBM Network Dispatcher that does not require
a modification of the packet addresses because packet forwarding
to cluster nodes is done at the MAC address level [20].
A different forwarding approach to configure a
Web system with multiple servers uses the if-config-alias
option, which is available in most UNIX platforms [16].
This architecture publicizes the same secondary IP
address of all Web servers
as the IP single virtual address, namely ONE-IP, of the Web cluster.
This is achieved by letting the servers of the cluster share the
same IP address as their secondary address,
which is used only for the request distribution service.
A key component of any Web cluster is the Web switch that
dispatches client requests among the servers. They can be broadly classified
according to the OSI protocol stack layer at which they operate, so we have
layer-4 and layer-7 Web switches [25].
Layer-4 Web switches work at TCP/IP level.
Since packets pertaining to the same TCP connection must be assigned to the same
server node,
the Web switch has to maintain a binding table to associate each client
TCP session with the target server.
The switch examines the header of
each inbound packet and on the basis of the flag field
determines whether the packet pertains
to a new or an existing connection.
Layer-4 Web switch algorithms are content information blind,
because they choose
the target server when the client establishes the TCP/IP connection,
before sending out the HTTP request.
Global scheduling algorithms executable at the layer-4 Web switch range
from static algorithms (say, random, round-robin)
to dynamic algorithms that take into account either network
client information,
(say, client IP address, TCP port),
or server state information (say, number of active connections,
least loaded server)
or even a combination of both information.
Layer-7 Web switches can establish a complete
TCP connection with the client and inspect
the HTTP request content prior to decide about dispatching.
In such a way, they can deploy
content information aware distribution,
by letting the Web switch examine the HTTP request
and then route it to the target server.
The selection mechanism (usually referred to as delayed binding)
can be based on the Web service/content requested,
as URL content, SSL identifiers, and cookies.
In [5] there are many techniques to realize
the dispatching granularity at the session level
or at the single Web object request level.
Scheduling algorithms deployed at layer-7 may use either client information
(as session identifiers, file type, file size)
or a combination of client and server state information.
The potential advantages of layer-7 Web switches include
the possibility to use specialized Web server nodes and partition the
Web content among clusters of heterogeneous servers [28],
and to achieve higher cache hit rates, for example, through
affinity-based scheduling algorithms such as the LARD policy [24].
On the other hand, layer-7 routing introduces
additional processing overhead at the Web switch
and may cause this entity to become the system bottleneck.
To overcome this drawback, design alternatives
for scalable Web server systems that combine content blind
and content aware request distribution
have been proposed in [6,26]. These architecture
solutions are out of the scope of this paper which is more focused
on the dispatching algorithms for Web switches.
3 Web switch algorithms
The Web switch may use various global scheduling policies
to assign the load to the nodes of a Web cluster.
Global scheduling methods were classified in
several ways, depending on different criteria.
The main alternatives are between load balancing vs. load sharing problems,
centralized vs. distributed algorithms, static vs. dynamic
policies. The Web cluster architecture with a single Web switch
motivates the choice for centralized scheduling policies.
If we consider that load balancing strives to equalize the server workload, while
load sharing
attempts to smooth out transient peak overload periods on
some nodes, a Web switch should aim to
share more than to balance cluster workload. Hence, the real alternative
for layer-4 and layer-7 Web switches is the kind of system
information they use to take assignment decisions. The main
classes of policies are static and dynamic, these latter with several
Static policies do not consider any system state information.
Typical examples are Random (RAN) and Round-Robin (RR) algorithms.
RAN distributes the arrivals uniformly
through the nodes. RR uses a circular list and a pointer
to the last selected server to take dispatching decisions.
Dynamic policies use some system state information while taking
scheduling decisions.
We consider the three classes of dynamic algorithms.
Server-aware algorithms route requests
on the basis of some server state information, such as load condition,
latency time, availability or network utilization.
Client-aware algorithms route requests
on the basis of some client information. Layer-4 Web switches can use only
some basic client network information, such as IP address and TCP port.
Layer-7 Web switches can examine the entire HTTP request
and take decisions on the basis of detailed information about the
content of the client request.
Client- and server-aware algorithms route requests
on the basis of client and server state information. Actually, most of the
existing client-aware algorithms belong to this class. Indeed, although the
most important information is the client request, these policies combine
it with some information about the server loads. The main goal is to avoid
assignments to overloaded servers.
The Web switch
cannot use highly sophisticated algorithms
because it has to take fast decision for dozens or hundreds
of requests per second. To prevent the
Web switch becoming the primary bottleneck of the Web cluster, static
algorithms are the fastest
solution because they do not rely on the
current state of the system at the time of decision making.
For this reason, these algorithms can potentially
make poor assignment decisions. Dynamic algorithms have the potential to outperform
static algorithms by using some state information to
help dispatching decisions. On the other hand, dynamic algorithms
mechanisms that collect and analyze state information, thereby
incurring potentially expensive overheads.
In this paper, we consider three widely used
dispatching policies that are based on client and/or server information: Weighted Round Robin (WRR), Locality Aware
Request Distribution (LARD) and StaticPartitioning. WRR has resulted the layer-4 policy that guarantees best load sharing in most simulations and experiments from several research groups. On the other hand, we do not expect LARD to work well in a site providing heterogeneous services, but we have chosen it because we are not aware of other
layer-7 dispatching algorithms proposed by the research community.
StaticPartitioning uses dedicated servers for specific services or multiple Web sites (co-location). This is the most representative
example of a client-aware algorithm working at layer-7 in commercial Web switches [1,19].
WRR comes as a
variation of the round robin policy. WRR associates to each server a dynamically
evaluated weight that is
proportional to the server load state [20].
Periodically (every
seconds), the Web switch gathers this
information from servers and computes
the weights. WRR is actually a class of dynamic policies that uses some
information about the system state.
The first issue that needs to be addressed when we consider
a server state aware policy is how to compute the
load state information because it is not
immediately available at the Web switch. The
three main factors that affect the latency time are
loads on CPU, disk and network resources. Typical load measures are
the number of active processes on server, mean disk response time,
and hit latency time, that is,
the mean time spent by each request at the server.
In particular, the load indexes we consider are the
number of active processes at each server (WRR_num policy), and
the mean service time for the requests (WRR_time policy).
Additional information on WRR can be found in [20].
If we consider Web clusters of homogeneous servers, the main goal of
the proposed policies is to augment disk cache hit rates, for example through the LARD
policy [24]
or other affinity-based scheduling algorithms [26,29].
The LARD policy [24] is a content
based request distribution that aims to improve the
cache hit rate in Web cluster nodes.
The principle of LARD is to direct all requests for a Web
object to the same server node. This increases the likelihood
to find the requested object into the disk cache of the server node.
We use the LARD version proposed in [24] with
the multiple hand-off mechanism defined in [5] that works for
the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
LARD assigns all requests for a target file to the same node until
it reaches a certain utilization threshold.
At this point, the request is assigned to a lowly loaded node, if it exists, or to
the least loaded node. To this purpose, LARD defines two threshold parameters:
denoting the upper bound of a lowly loaded condition,
denoting the lower bound of a highly loaded condition.
3.2 Client-aware policy
All previously proposed scheduling policies take static decisions
independently of any state information (e.g., RAN and RR)
or they take dynamic decisions on the basis of the state of the
server nodes (e.g., WRR) that can be combined with client request information (e.g., LARD).
We propose a
client-aware policy (CAP) that takes into account
some information associated to client requests as it can be gotten
by a layer-7 Web switch.
CAP, in its basic form, is a pure client-aware policy, however, it can be
easily combined with some server state information. In this paper,
we consider the pure CAP that does not gather any load information
from servers.
Pure client-aware policies have a possible great advantage over server-aware policies because
server-aware algorithms often require expensive and
hard to tuning mechanisms for monitoring and
evaluating the load on each server, gathering the results,
and combining them to take scheduling decisions.
In a highly dynamic system such as a Web cluster this state information becomes
obsolete quickly.
The key idea for CAP comes from the observation that dynamic policies such as WRR and LARD
work fine in Web clusters that host traditional Web publishing services.
In fact, most load balancing problems occur when the Web site hosts
heterogeneous services that make an intensive use of different Web server's components.
Moreover, almost all commercial layer-7 Web switches use client information
for a static partitioning of the Web services among specialized servers
The simulation experiments will confirm the intuition that a StaticPartitioning
policy, although useful from the system management point of view, achieves
poor server utilization because resources that are not utilized cannot be shared among all clients.
To motivate the CAP policy, let us classify Web services into four main categories.
- Web publishing
- sites providing static information (e.g.,
HTML pages with some embedded objects) and dynamic
that do not intensively
use server resources (e.g., result or product display requests).
The content of dynamic requests is not known
at the instant
of a request, however, it is generated
from database queries whose arguments are known before hand.
- Web transaction
- sites providing dynamic content generated from
(possibly complex) database queries built from user data provided by an HTML form.
This is a disk bound service because it makes intensive use of disk
- Web commerce
- sites providing static, dynamic and secure
information. For security
reasons, some dynamically generated content may need a secure channel that
in most cases is provided by the SSL protocol. Cryptography makes
intensive use of CPU resources. Hence, Web commerce services are disk and/or CPU bound.
- Web multimedia
- sites providing streaming audio and video services.
In this paper, we do not consider this type of application that often is implemented through specialized servers and network connections.
Although realistic, this classification is done for the purposes of
our paper only and does not want
to be a precise taxonomy for all Web services.
The idea behind the CAP policy is that, although the Web switch can not
estimate precisely the service time of a client request, from the URL it can distinguish
the class of the request and its impact on main Web server
resources. Any Web content provider can easily tune the CAP policy at its best.
Starting from the above classification, we distinguish the Web requests into
four classes: static and lightly dynamic Web publishing services (N);
disk bound services (DB), for example, in Web transaction
and Web commerce sites;
CPU bound (CB) and disk and CPU bound (DCB) services,
for example, in Web commerce sites.
In the basic version of CAP, the Web switch manages a
circular list of assignments for each class of Web services. The goal
is to share multiple load classes among all servers so that no
single component of a server is overloaded.
When a request arrives, the Web switch parses the URL and selects the
appropriate server. We describe the CAP behavior through the following
We suppose that the server A has already received one request
of type CB and one of type DCB;
the server B has received one
request of type N, and one of type DB.
The sequence of successive requests to the Web cluster is
shown in Figure 2.
By using the CAP assignment, server A and B have
a similar number of requests for each class of service, while this
does not happen when using RR or LARD. For example, in the case of RR
the server A receives four intensive requests that stress the CPU
and/or disk, while
server B receive only one CPU bound request. In the case of LARD,
we suppose that the requests of type DB and CB are assigned to the
and those of other types to the server B. This dispatching results that
the server A receives two
bound and two disk bound requests, while the server B receives only one
of type DCB.
CAP does not require a
hard tuning of parameters which is typical of most dynamic policies
because the service classes are decided in advance, and the
scheduling choice is determined statically
once the URL has been classified.
Figure 2:
Example of behavior of CAP, RR and LARD dispatching policies.
4 Simulation experiments
4.1 System model
The Web cluster consists of multiple Web servers and back-end servers, and a
dedicated machine that can act as a layer-4 or layer-7 Web switch.
The primary DNS translates the hostname of this site into the
IP address of the Web switch. The addresses of Web and back-end
servers are private and invisible to the extern.
Web servers, back-end servers and Web switch are connected through a local
fast Ethernet with 100 Mbps bandwidth, as in Figure 1.
As the focus is on Web cluster performance we did not model
the details of the external network.
To prevent the bridge(s) to the external network becoming a
potential bottleneck for the Web cluster throughput,
we assume that the system is connected to
the Internet through one or more large bandwidth links that do not
use the same Web switch connection to Internet [20].
Each server in the cluster is modeled as a separate component with
its CPU, central memory, hard disk and network
interface. All above components are CSIM processes having their
own queuing systems that allow for requests to wait if
the server, disk or network are busy.
We use real parameters to setup the system.
For example, the disk is parameterized with the values
of a real fast disk (IBM Deskstar34GXP) having
transfer rate equal to 20 MBps, controller delay to 0.05 msec., seek time
to 9 msec., and RPM to 7200.
The main memory transfer rate is set to 100MBps.
The network interface is a 100Mbps Ethernet card.
The back-end servers are replicated database servers that reply to dynamic requests.
The Web server software is modeled as an Apache-like server,
where an HTTP daemon waits for requests of client connections.
As required by the HTTP/1.1 protocol, each HTTP process
serves all files specified in a Web request.
The client-server interactions are modeled at the details of TCP
connections including packets and ACK signals.
Each client is a CSIM process that, after activation,
enters the system and generates the first request of connection
to the Web switch of the Web cluster.
The entire period of connection to the site, namely,
Web session, consists of one or more
page requests to the site.
At each request, the
Web switch applies some routing algorithm and assigns each
connection to a server. The server dedicates a new HTTP process for that connection.
Each client request is for a single HTML page that
typically contains a number of embedded objects. A request may include some
computation or database search, and a secure connection.
The client will submit a new request
only after it has received the complete answer, that is, the HTML
page and all (possible) embedded objects.
A user think time between two page requests models the time
required to analyze the requested object and decide about
a new request.
It is worth observing that for a fair comparison of the Web switch
algorithms our models consider
the overhead difference in dispatching requests at layer-4
and layer-7 Web switches. For example, the delays
introduced by layer-7 switching are modeled
with the values given in [5].
4.2 Workload model
Special attention has been devoted to the workload
model that incorporates
all most recent results on the characteristics of real Web load.
The high variability and self-similar nature of Web access load
is modeled through heavy tail distributions such as
Pareto, lognormal and Weibull
distributions [4,8,9,15].
Random variables generated by these distributions
can assume extremely large values with non-negligible probability.
The number of page requests per client
session, that is, the number of consecutive Web requests
a user will submit to the Web site,
is modeled according to the inverse Gaussian distribution.
The time between the retrieval of two successive Web pages
from the same client, namely the user think time,
is modeled through a Pareto distribution [9].
The number of embedded objects per page request
including the base HTML page
is also obtained from a Pareto distribution [9,22].
The inter-arrival time of hit requests, that is, the
time between retrieval of two successive hit requests
from the servers,
is modeled by a heavy-tailed function distributed as a Weibull.
The distribution of the file sizes requested
to a Web server is a hybrid function,
where the body is modeled according to a lognormal distribution,
and the tail according to a heavy-tailed Pareto
distribution [8].
A summary of the distributions and parameters
used in our experiments is in
Table 1.
Table 1:
Parameters of the system and workload model.
Web cluster |
Number of servers |
2-32 |
Disk transfer rate |
20 MBps |
Memory transfer rate |
100 MBps |
HTTP protocol |
1.1 |
Intra-servers bandwidth |
100 Mbps |
Clients |
Arrival rate |
100-300 clients per second |
Requests per session |
Inverse Gaussian ( ,
) |
User think time |
Pareto ( , ) |
Objects per page |
Pareto (
, ) |
Hit size request (body) |
Lognormal ( ,
) |
(tail) |
Pareto (
, ) |
To characterize the different Web services classified as in
Section 3.2 we have modeled also
the impact of a secure channel on server performance
(that is, the presence of CPU bound requests) and
the impact of intensive database queries (that is,
disk bound requests).
Our model includes all main CPU and transmission
overheads due to SSL protocol interactions,
such as key material negotiation, server authentication, and encryption
and decryption of key material and Web information.
The CPU service time consists of encryption of server secret key with a
public key encryption algorithm such as RSA, computation of
Message Authentication Code through a hash function such as MD5 or SHA, and
data encryption through a symmetric key algorithm,
such as DES or Triple-DES.
Most CPU overhead is caused by data encryption (for large size files),
and public key encryption algorithm (RSA algorithm),
that is required at least once for each client session,
when the client has to authenticate the server.
The transmission overhead is due to the server certificate
(2048 bytes) sent by the server to the client
the server hello and close message (73 bytes), and
the SSL record header (about 29 bytes per record).
Table 2 summarizes the throughput of the
encryption algorithm used in the secure workload model.
Table 2:
Secure workload model.
Category |
Throughput (Kbps) |
RSA(256 bit) |
38.5 |
Triple DES |
46886 |
MD5 |
331034 |
We compare the performance of different scheduling policies for Web clusters under three
main classes of workload.
- Web publishing
- site containing static and lightly dynamic
documents. A static document resides on the disk of the Web server; it is not
modified in a relatively long time interval
and is always cacheable. The cache of each node is set to 15%
of the total size of the Web site document tree.
A lightly dynamic document is cacheable with 0.3 probability.
- Web transaction
- sites contain 60% of static
documents and 40% of dynamically created documents. Database queries
to back-end servers require intensive disk use and their results are not
- Web commerce
- sites have 30% of static requests,
30% of lightly dynamic requests and various combinations for the
remaining 40% of requests.
4.3 Simulation results
As the main measure for analyzing the performance of
the Web cluster we use the cumulative frequency
of the page latency time.
The goal of this paper on Web cluster performance allows us not to include
all delays related to Internet in page latency time.
4.3.1 Optimal tuning of server-aware policies
Most dynamic policies depend on system state information that is not
immediately available at the Web switch. It is often expensive to gather server state
information, and it is difficult to choose the best parameters of dynamic
policies in highly variable and heterogeneous Web systems.
The CAP policy, in its basic form, does not require setting any parameter
other than the choice of classes of services that can be identified from the URL.
The LARD strategy requires setting the parameters
for server utilization as described
in Section 3.
In our experiments we set
=0.3 and
=0.7, and we did not observed considerable changes
for lightly different values.
The most complex policy to tune is the WRR that is sensible
to the adopted load metric
and to the selected
value for gathering server state information.
To show the difficulty of optimal
tuning parameters of some dynamic policies in Figure 3 we
show the sensitivity of WRR_num and WRR_time with respect to the
period for an almost static (Web publishing) and a highly variable workload
(Web commerce). As a performance metrics, we use the
90-percentile of page latency time, that is, the page latency time limit
that the Web site guarantees with 0.9 probability.
value has a big influence on performance especially for
sites with heterogeneous services. If not well tuned, a dynamic
policy such as WRR can behave worse than static policies such as RAN and RR.
In both instances, the number of active
connections (WRR_num) seems to be the best load metric and low
seem to be preferable to higher values.
In the remaining part of the paper, we use the number of
active processes as a load metric and assume that we are always able
to choose the best parameters for the WRR policy.
We will refer to it simply as WRR.
In the simulations, we consider the ideal StaticPartitioning algorithm that for
any workload scenario is able to partition the dedicated servers proportionally to the percentage arrival of requests for each class of services.
Figure 3:
Sensitivity of WRR policies to the
and load metric.
(a) Web publishing site
(b) Web commerce site
We assume a first scenario where all requests are for static documents
and a second scenario where requests are for lightly dynamic documents.
Figure 4(a) shows that the LARD strategy
that exploits the reference locality of Web requests performs better
than CAP and WRR.
LARD guarantees with very high probability that the page
latency time is less than 1 second. The analogous probability is about
0.9 for CAP and 0.8 for WRR.
In the next experiments, we consider only requests for lightly dynamic
documents that have a lower probability of being found in the disk cache.
Figure 4(b)
shows that CAP and LARD have a similar behavior even if LARD still
performs slightly better. However, if we compare this figure with
Figure 4(a) we can observe that, while CAP and WRR maintain
similar results, actually LARD is truly penalized
by a lower cache hit rate.
Figure 4:
Web publishing: cumulative frequency of page latency time.
(a) Static requests
(b) Dynamic requests
When the document hit rate is low and
a relatively high percentage of requests (40%) is disk
bound, the CAP policy starts to exploit
its benefits for multiple service characteristics.
Figure 5 shows that the page
latency time of CAP is much better than that achieved by WRR, LARD and
StaticPartitioning algorithms.
CAP policy improves Web cluster performance of 35% over WRR and
55% over LARD. Indeed, the 90-percentile of page latency time using CAP
is less than
2 seconds, while it is about 7 seconds for WRR and about 20 seconds for LARD.
LARD show bad results because incoming requests are assigned to
a Web server first on the basis of document locality and then on the basis
of server load state. Our results confirm the intuition that routing requests to the same server
until it reaches a highly loaded state does not work
in Web transaction sites. StaticPartitioning performs even worse than LARD. On the other hand, the layer-4 WRR policy is quite robust, because its
performance does not degrade too much for sites with heterogeneous services.
Figure 5:
Web transaction: cumulative
frequency of page latency time
This is the most heterogeneous workload. We consider three
scenarios where lightly dynamic, CPU bound and disk bound requests
are mixed in different ways.
In the first set of experiments we assume that
40% of total requests need secure connections and cryptography.
This is the most critical scenario because CPU bound requests affect
performance of the other 60% of requests that have to use the CPU, even if
for less intensive operations such as parsing a
request and building a
HTTP response. Figure 6(a) shows how this very critical
(and, we can say, unrealistic) scenario deteriorates performance
of all dispatching strategies. However, multiple service
scheduling allows CAP to achieve still best results.
In the second scenario, we introduce both CPU and
disk bound requests, but CPU bound requests (20%)
differ from disk bound requests (20%).
In Figure 6(b) we see that the CAP policy
provides really good page latency times, while WRR is
at its limit and LARD does not guarantee a scalable Web cluster.
The improvement of the CAP strategy is considerable, especially if we consider
that the WRR curve refers to the WRR policy with best parameters.
For example,
CAP achieves a page latency time of about 2.5 seconds with 0.9 probability.
For WRR and StaticPartitioning, the analogous latency time is achieved
with a probability of about 0.68, and for LARD with a probability of less than 0.4.
In the last set of experiments, we consider a realistic Web commerce site
where the requests can be for secure (20%), disk bound (10%) or both (10%) services.
Even if the workload becomes more onerous, Figure 6(c) shows that
the CAP policy guarantees a scalable Web cluster. Indeed, it
achieves a 90-percentile for the
page latency time of less than 5 seconds.
The analogous percentile is equal to 20 seconds
for WRR and it is higher than 35 seconds for LARD.
For example, WRR, LARD and StaticPartitioning have a page latency time of 5 seconds
with a probability of 0.66, 0.72 and 0.37, respectively.
Figure 6:
Web commerce scenario: cumulative frequency of page latency time.
(a) CPU bound requests
(b) CPU and disk bound requests
(c) CPU and/or disk bound requests
5 Prototype experiments
The simulation results conviced us about the opportunity of building a
prototype cluster with a layer-7
Web switch equipped with CAP. In this section we outline the architecture
and give some performance results
that confirm main conclusions obtained by the simulation model.
The Web cluster consists of a Web switch node,
connected to the back-end nodes and the Web servers through
a high speed LAN.
The distributed architecture of the cluster is hidden to the
HTTP client through a unique Virtual IP (VIP) address.
Different mechanisms were proposed
to implement a layer-7 Web switch at various operating system levels.
The most efficient solutions are the TCP hand-off [24] and
the TCP splicing [13] that are implemented at the kernel level.
The application layer solutions are undoubtely less efficient than kernel
level mechanisms, but their implementation is cheaper and sufficient
for the purposes of this paper that is focused more on dispatching algorithms
than on Web switch products.
Among the application level solutions, we selected the reverse proxy
approach proposed in [18] that is based on
the Apache Web server software.
This mechanism allows us to implement and test
any layer-7 dispatching algorithm without
modifications at the kernel level.
The drawback of this approach is
a higher overhead on response time perceived by the clients.
Aron et al. show that TCP hand-off outperforms
TCP splicing techniques [6]. Moreover, the overheads of
Web switches operating at layer-7 pose
serious scalability problems that we, as other authors [26], noticed in the experiments.
There is no doubt that a real system should work at the kernel level
but addressing the switch performance issue is out of the scope of this paper.
Our system implementation is based on off-the-shelf hardware
and software components.
The clients and servers of the system
are connected through a switched 100Mbps Ethernet that does not
represent the bottleneck for our experiments.
The Web switch is implemented on a PC PentiumII-450Mhz with 256MB of memory.
We use four PC Pentium MMX 233Mhz with 128MB of memory as Web servers.
All nodes of the cluster use a 3Com 3C905B 100bTX network interface.
They are equipped with a Linux operating system (kernel
release 2.2.16), and Apache 1.3.12 as the Web server software.
On the Web switch node, the Apache Web server is configured as
a reverse proxy through the modules mod_proxy and
mod_rewrite [3]. The dispatching
algorithms are implemented as C modules
that are activated once at startup of the Apache servers. The dispatching
module communicates with the rewriting engine, which is provided by the
mod_rewrite, over its stdin and stdout file handles.
For each map-function lookup, the dispatching module
receives the key to lookup as a string on stdin. After that, it
has to return the looked-up value as a
string on stdout.
Because the LARD algorithm requires also information about the server
load, we implement on each Web server a Collector C module
that collects the number of active HTTP connections.
Every 10 seconds the Manager C module
installed on the Web switch gathers server
load information through a socket communication mechanism.
5.2 Experimental results
To test the system we use a pool of client nodes
that are interconnected to the
Web cluster through a dedicated Fast Ethernet.
The clients runs on four PentiumII
As synthetic workload generator we use a modified version
of the Webstone benchmark [27] (version 2.1).
The main modifications concern the
client behavior for which we introduce
the concept of user
think-time and embedded objects per Web page as described
in Section 4.2. Moreover,
the file size of each object is modeled through a Pareto distribution.
To emulate a dynamic workload, we create three CGI services: two of
them stress the CPU of the Web server nodes in a lightly or
intensive way; the third service
stresses both the CPU and disk.
In the experiments we compare the performance of dispatching
strategies under three different scenarios: static workload,
light dynamic workload, and intensive dynamic
workload. In the dynamic scenario, 80% of requests
are for static objects and 20% are for dynamic services. The dynamic requests
are classified as CPU-light (10%), CPU-intensive (6%)
and CPU-Disk-intensive (4%).
The main performance metric is the Web cluster
throughput measured in connections per second (conn/sec).
We prefer this measure because it represents system performance better than Mbps
especially for highly heterogeneous workloads.
Figure 7:
Static workload: system throughput.
In the first set of experiments we compare the performance of CAP and LARD
under static and light dynamic workload.
Figure 7 shows the system throughput in the case of static
scenario. We can see that LARD and CAP perform similarly.
When we pass to consider a light dynamic workload (Figure 8), the
performance results of CAP and LARD change completely because dynamic requests stress
the server resources in a quite different way.
Figure 9 presents the system throughput for an
intensive dynamic workload that confirms that CAP outperforms LARD performance. Compared to this latter algorithm, CAP
throughput increases from 13% when 160 clients are in the system,
to 21% when 240 clients are connected.
All the above results let us think that if the complexity and
variety of client requests augment,
the improvement of CAP can increase as well. The main motivation for
this result is the better load balancing achieved by CAP with respect to
LARD. To this purpose, we show in Figure 10 the minimum and maximum server utilizations
in a cluster where the Web switch uses a LARD and CAP policy, respectively.
Figure 8:
Light dynamic workload: system throughput
Figure 9:
Intensive dynamic workload: system throughput
Figure 10:
Light dynamic workload: distributions of min-max server utilizations in the Web cluster.
6 Conclusions
Web cluster architectures are becoming very popular for supporting Web sites
with large numbers of accesses and/or heterogeneous services.
In this paper, we propose a new scheduling policy, called client-aware
policy (CAP), for Web switches operating at layer-7 of the OSI protocol stack
to route requests reaching the Web cluster.
CAP classifies the client requests on the basis of their expected
impact on main server components. At run-time, CAP
schedules client requests reaching the Web cluster with the goal of sharing
all classes of services among the servers, so that no system resource tends to be
We demonstrate through simulation and experiments on a real prototype
that dispatching policies that improve Web caches hit rates give best results
for traditional Web publishing sites providing most static
information and some lightly dynamic requests. On the other hand,
CAP provides scalable performance even for modern Web clusters providing
static, dynamic and secure
services. Moreover, the pure CAP has the additional benefit of guaranteeing
robust results for very different classes of Web services because
it does not require a hard tuning of system parameters as many other
server-aware dispatching policies do.
The authors would like to thank Mauro Andreolini from the University
of Rome for his support in prototype experiments. This work was carried out
under the partial support of Banca di Roma (Res. contract BDR-2001 on
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