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- 1
Stéphane Bressan and Cheng Hian Goh.
Semantic integration of disparate information sources over the
internet using constraint propagation.
In Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet, 1997.
- 2
Martin Frank, Maria Muslea, Jean Oh, Steve Minton, and Craig Knoblock.
An intelligent user interface for mixed-initiative multi-source
In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces, 2001.
- 3
Craig A. Knoblock, Kristina Lerman, Steven Minton, and Ion Muslea.
Accurately and reliably extracting data from the web: A machine
learning approach.
Data Engineering Bulletin, 23(4), 2000.
- 4
Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Michela Milano, Rita Cucchiara, Marco Gavanelli,
and Massimo Piccardi.
Constraint propagation and value acquisition: why we should do it
In Proceedings of IJCAI-99, 1999.
- 5
Kristina Lerman and Steven Minton.
Learning the common structure of data.
In Proceedings of AAAI-00, 2000.
- 6
Sanjay Mittal and Brian Falkenhainer.
Dynamic constraint satisfaction problems.
In Proceedings of AAAI-90, 1990.
- 7
Ion Muslea, Steven Minton, and Craig A. Knoblock.
Selective sampling with redundant views.
In Proceedings of AAAI-00, 2000.
- 8
Ion Muslea, Steven Minton, and Craig A. Knoblock.
Hierarchical wrapper induction for semistructured information
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 4(1/2), 2001.
- 9
Charles Petrie, Heecheol Jeon, and Mark R. Cutkosky.
Combining constraint propagation and backtracking for distributed
In Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet, 1997.
- 10
Vijay Saraswat and Pascal van Hentenryck, editors.
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
- 11
Edward Tsang.
Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction.
Academic Press, London, 1993.
- 12
van Hentenryck.
Constraint Staisfaction in Logic Programming.
MIT Press, 1989.
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Jose-Luis Ambite