Version: 3.1.0
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Detailed Description

A book control contains pages of other controls.

Related overview: wxBookCtrl Overview


class  wxAuiNotebookEvent
 This class is used by the events generated by wxAuiNotebook. More...
class  wxBookCtrlBase
 A book control is a convenient way of displaying multiple pages of information, displayed one page at a time. More...
class  wxBookCtrlEvent
 This class represents the events generated by book controls (wxNotebook, wxListbook, wxChoicebook, wxTreebook, wxAuiNotebook). More...
class  wxChoicebook
 wxChoicebook is a class similar to wxNotebook, but uses a wxChoice control to show the labels instead of the tabs. More...
class  wxListbook
 wxListbook is a class similar to wxNotebook but which uses a wxListCtrl to show the labels instead of the tabs. More...
class  wxNotebook
 This class represents a notebook control, which manages multiple windows with associated tabs. More...
class  wxSimplebook
 wxSimplebook is a control showing exactly one of its several pages. More...
class  wxToolbook
 wxToolbook is a class similar to wxNotebook but which uses a wxToolBar to show the labels instead of the tabs. More...
class  wxTreebook
 This class is an extension of the wxNotebook class that allows a tree structured set of pages to be shown in a control. More...