Version: 3.1.0
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Detailed Description

Typically, these are small windows which provide interaction with the user.

Controls that are not static can have wxValidator associated with them.


class  wxActivityIndicator
 Small control showing an animation indicating that the program is currently busy performing some background task. More...
class  wxAddRemoveCtrl
 A class adding buttons to add and remove items to a list-like child control. More...
class  wxAnimationCtrl
 This is a static control which displays an animation. More...
class  wxBitmapButton
 A bitmap button is a control that contains a bitmap. More...
class  wxBitmapComboBox
 A combobox that displays bitmap in front of the list items. More...
class  wxButton
 A button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most common elements of a GUI. More...
class  wxCalendarCtrl
 The calendar control allows the user to pick a date. More...
class  wxCheckBox
 A checkbox is a labelled box which by default is either on (checkmark is visible) or off (no checkmark). More...
class  wxCheckListBox
 A wxCheckListBox is like a wxListBox, but allows items to be checked or unchecked. More...
class  wxChoice
 A choice item is used to select one of a list of strings. More...
class  wxCollapsibleHeaderCtrl
 Header control above a collapsible pane. More...
class  wxCollapsiblePane
 A collapsible pane is a container with an embedded button-like control which can be used by the user to collapse or expand the pane's contents. More...
class  wxComboPopup
 In order to use a custom popup with wxComboCtrl, an interface class must be derived from wxComboPopup. More...
class  wxComboCtrl
 A combo control is a generic combobox that allows totally custom popup. More...
class  wxComboBox
 A combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox. More...
class  wxCommandLinkButton
 Objects of this class are similar in appearance to the normal wxButtons but are similar to the links in a web page in functionality. More...
class  wxControl
 This is the base class for a control or "widget". More...
class  wxItemContainerImmutable
 wxItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems each of which may be selected. More...
class  wxItemContainer
 This class is an abstract base class for some wxWidgets controls which contain several items such as wxListBox, wxCheckListBox, wxComboBox or wxChoice. More...
class  wxControlWithItems
 This is convenience class that derives from both wxControl and wxItemContainer. More...
class  wxDataViewCtrl
 wxDataViewCtrl is a control to display data either in a tree like fashion or in a tabular form or both. More...
class  wxDataViewListCtrl
 This class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally uses a wxDataViewListStore and forwards most of its API to that class. More...
class  wxDataViewTreeCtrl
 This class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally uses a wxDataViewTreeStore and forwards most of its API to that class. More...
class  wxGenericDirCtrl
 This control can be used to place a directory listing (with optional files) on an arbitrary window. More...
class  wxEditableListBox
 An editable listbox is composite control that lets the user easily enter, delete and reorder a list of strings. More...
class  wxFileCtrl
 This control allows the user to select a file. More...
class  wxGauge
 A gauge is a horizontal or vertical bar which shows a quantity (often time). More...
class  wxHeaderColumn
 Represents a column header in controls displaying tabular data such as wxDataViewCtrl or wxGrid. More...
class  wxSettableHeaderColumn
 Adds methods to set the column attributes to wxHeaderColumn. More...
class  wxHeaderColumnSimple
 Simple container for the information about the column. More...
class  wxHeaderCtrl
 wxHeaderCtrl is the control containing the column headings which is usually used for display of tabular data. More...
class  wxHeaderCtrlSimple
 wxHeaderCtrlSimple is a concrete header control which can be used directly, without inheriting from it as you need to do when using wxHeaderCtrl itself. More...
class  wxHtmlListBox
 wxHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxVListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows. More...
class  wxSimpleHtmlListBox
 wxSimpleHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxHtmlListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows. More...
class  wxHyperlinkCtrl
 This class shows a static text element which links to an URL. More...
class  wxListBox
 A listbox is used to select one or more of a list of strings. More...
class  wxListCtrl
 A list control presents lists in a number of formats: list view, report view, icon view and small icon view. More...
class  wxListView
 This class currently simply presents a simpler to use interface for the wxListCtrl – it can be thought of as a façade for that complicated class. More...
class  wxActiveXContainer
 wxActiveXContainer is a host for an ActiveX control on Windows (and as such is a platform-specific class). More...
class  wxNativeWindow
 Allows to embed a native widget in an application using wxWidgets. More...
class  wxOwnerDrawnComboBox
 wxOwnerDrawnComboBox is a combobox with owner-drawn list items. More...
class  wxRadioBox
 A radio box item is used to select one of number of mutually exclusive choices. More...
class  wxRadioButton
 A radio button item is a button which usually denotes one of several mutually exclusive options. More...
class  wxRearrangeList
 A listbox-like control allowing the user to rearrange the items and to enable or disable them. More...
class  wxRearrangeCtrl
 A composite control containing a wxRearrangeList and the buttons allowing to move the items in it. More...
class  wxScrollBar
 A wxScrollBar is a control that represents a horizontal or vertical scrollbar. More...
class  wxSlider
 A slider is a control with a handle which can be pulled back and forth to change the value. More...
class  wxSpinButton
 A wxSpinButton has two small up and down (or left and right) arrow buttons. More...
class  wxSpinCtrl
 wxSpinCtrl combines wxTextCtrl and wxSpinButton in one control. More...
class  wxSpinCtrlDouble
 wxSpinCtrlDouble combines wxTextCtrl and wxSpinButton in one control and displays a real number. More...
class  wxSearchCtrl
 A search control is a composite control with a search button, a text control, and a cancel button. More...
class  wxStaticBitmap
 A static bitmap control displays a bitmap. More...
class  wxStaticBox
 A static box is a rectangle drawn around other windows to denote a logical grouping of items. More...
class  wxStaticLine
 A static line is just a line which may be used in a dialog to separate the groups of controls. More...
class  wxStaticText
 A static text control displays one or more lines of read-only text. More...
class  wxTextCtrl
 A text control allows text to be displayed and edited. More...
class  wxTextEntry
 Common base class for single line text entry fields. More...
class  wxToggleButton
 wxToggleButton is a button that stays pressed when clicked by the user. More...
class  wxBitmapToggleButton
 wxBitmapToggleButton is a wxToggleButton that contains a bitmap instead of text. More...
class  wxTreeCtrl
 A tree control presents information as a hierarchy, with items that may be expanded to show further items. More...
class  wxTreeListItem
 Unique identifier of an item in wxTreeListCtrl. More...
class  wxTreeListItemComparator
 Class defining sort order for the items in wxTreeListCtrl. More...
class  wxTreeListCtrl
 A control combining wxTreeCtrl and wxListCtrl features. More...
class  wxVListBox
 wxVListBox is a wxListBox-like control with the following two main differences from a regular wxListBox: it can have an arbitrarily huge number of items because it doesn't store them itself but uses the OnDrawItem() callback to draw them (so it is a virtual listbox) and its items can have variable height as determined by OnMeasureItem() (so it is also a listbox with the lines of variable height). More...
class  wxWebView
 This control may be used to render web (HTML / CSS / javascript) documents. More...