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wxDataViewCtrl Related Classes

Detailed Description

These are all classes used or provided for use with wxDataViewCtrl.


class  wxDataViewChoiceRenderer
 A wxDataViewCtrl renderer using wxChoice control and values of strings in it. More...
class  wxDataViewChoiceByIndexRenderer
 A wxDataViewCtrl renderer using wxChoice control and indexes into it. More...
class  wxDataViewModel
 wxDataViewModel is the base class for all data model to be displayed by a wxDataViewCtrl. More...
class  wxDataViewListModel
 Base class with abstract API for wxDataViewIndexListModel and wxDataViewVirtualListModel. More...
class  wxDataViewIndexListModel
 wxDataViewIndexListModel is a specialized data model which lets you address an item by its position (row) rather than its wxDataViewItem (which you can obtain from this class). More...
class  wxDataViewVirtualListModel
 wxDataViewVirtualListModel is a specialized data model which lets you address an item by its position (row) rather than its wxDataViewItem and as such offers the exact same interface as wxDataViewIndexListModel. More...
class  wxDataViewItemAttr
 This class is used to indicate to a wxDataViewCtrl that a certain item (see wxDataViewItem) has extra font attributes for its renderer. More...
class  wxDataViewItem
 wxDataViewItem is a small opaque class that represents an item in a wxDataViewCtrl in a persistent way, i.e. More...
class  wxDataViewCtrl
 wxDataViewCtrl is a control to display data either in a tree like fashion or in a tabular form or both. More...
class  wxDataViewModelNotifier
 A wxDataViewModelNotifier instance is owned by a wxDataViewModel and mirrors its notification interface. More...
class  wxDataViewRenderer
 This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render the individual cells. More...
class  wxDataViewTextRenderer
 wxDataViewTextRenderer is used for rendering text. More...
class  wxDataViewIconTextRenderer
 The wxDataViewIconTextRenderer class is used to display text with a small icon next to it as it is typically done in a file manager. More...
class  wxDataViewProgressRenderer
 This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render progress bars. More...
class  wxDataViewSpinRenderer
 This is a specialized renderer for rendering integer values. More...
class  wxDataViewToggleRenderer
 This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render toggle controls. More...
class  wxDataViewDateRenderer
 This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render calendar controls. More...
class  wxDataViewCustomRenderer
 You need to derive a new class from wxDataViewCustomRenderer in order to write a new renderer. More...
class  wxDataViewBitmapRenderer
 This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render bitmap controls. More...
class  wxDataViewColumn
 This class represents a column in a wxDataViewCtrl. More...
class  wxDataViewListCtrl
 This class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally uses a wxDataViewListStore and forwards most of its API to that class. More...
class  wxDataViewTreeCtrl
 This class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally uses a wxDataViewTreeStore and forwards most of its API to that class. More...
class  wxDataViewListStore
 wxDataViewListStore is a specialised wxDataViewModel for storing a simple table of data. More...
class  wxDataViewTreeStore
 wxDataViewTreeStore is a specialised wxDataViewModel for storing simple trees very much like wxTreeCtrl does and it offers a similar API. More...
class  wxDataViewIconText
 wxDataViewIconText is used by wxDataViewIconTextRenderer for data transfer. More...
class  wxDataViewEvent
 This is the event class for the wxDataViewCtrl notifications. More...