Version: 3.1.0
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Graphics Device Interface (GDI)

Detailed Description

The following are classes related to GDI (Graphics Device Interface) access.

They provide an API for drawing on device contexts, windows, and printing.

Related Overviews: Device Contexts, Bitmaps and Icons

Related macros/global-functions group: Graphics Device Interface (GDI)


struct  wxFontMetrics
 Simple collection of various font metrics. More...
class  wxGraphicsGradientStop
 Represents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as represented by wxGraphicsGradientStops. More...
class  wxGraphicsGradientStops
 Represents a collection of wxGraphicGradientStop values for use with CreateLinearGradientBrush and CreateRadialGradientBrush. More...
class  wxAnimation
 This class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent animation. More...
class  wxBitmapHandler
 This is the base class for implementing bitmap file loading/saving, and bitmap creation from data. More...
class  wxBitmap
 This class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent bitmap, either monochrome or colour or colour with alpha channel support. More...
class  wxMask
 This class encapsulates a monochrome mask bitmap, where the masked area is black and the unmasked area is white. More...
class  wxBrush
 A brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas. More...
class  wxBrushList
 A brush list is a list containing all brushes which have been created. More...
class  wxColour
 A colour is an object representing a combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values, and is used to determine drawing colours. More...
class  wxCursor
 A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click. More...
class  wxDC
 A wxDC is a "device context" onto which graphics and text can be drawn. More...
class  wxDCClipper
 wxDCClipper is a helper class for setting a clipping region on a wxDC during its lifetime. More...
class  wxDCBrushChanger
 wxDCBrushChanger is a small helper class for setting a brush on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one. More...
class  wxDCPenChanger
 wxDCPenChanger is a small helper class for setting a pen on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one. More...
class  wxDCTextColourChanger
 wxDCTextColourChanger is a small helper class for setting a foreground text colour on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one. More...
class  wxDCFontChanger
 wxDCFontChanger is a small helper class for setting a font on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one. More...
class  wxFont
 A font is an object which determines the appearance of text. More...
class  wxFontList
 A font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created. More...
class  wxFontEnumerator
 wxFontEnumerator enumerates either all available fonts on the system or only the ones with given attributes - either only fixed-width (suited for use in programs such as terminal emulators and the like) or the fonts available in the given encoding). More...
class  wxNativeFontInfo
 wxNativeFontInfo is platform-specific font representation: this class should be considered as an opaque font description only used by the native functions, the user code can only get the objects of this type from somewhere and pass it somewhere else (possibly save them somewhere using ToString() and restore them using FromString()) More...
class  wxColourDatabase
 wxWidgets maintains a database of standard RGB colours for a predefined set of named colours. More...
class  wxGDIObject
 This class allows platforms to implement functionality to optimise GDI objects, such as wxPen, wxBrush and wxFont. More...
class  wxGraphicsPath
 A wxGraphicsPath is a native representation of a geometric path. More...
class  wxGraphicsObject
 This class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc. More...
class  wxGraphicsContext
 A wxGraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon. More...
class  wxGraphicsRenderer
 A wxGraphicsRenderer is the instance corresponding to the rendering engine used. More...
class  wxGraphicsBrush
 A wxGraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush. More...
class  wxGraphicsFont
 A wxGraphicsFont is a native representation of a font. More...
class  wxGraphicsPen
 A wxGraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. More...
class  wxGraphicsMatrix
 A wxGraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix. More...
class  wxIcon
 An icon is a small rectangular bitmap usually used for denoting a minimized application. More...
class  wxIconBundle
 This class contains multiple copies of an icon in different sizes. More...
class  wxIconLocation
 wxIconLocation is a tiny class describing the location of an (external, i.e. More...
class  wxImageHandler
 This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data. More...
class  wxImage
 This class encapsulates a platform-independent image. More...
class  wxImageList
 A wxImageList contains a list of images, which are stored in an unspecified form. More...
class  wxMetafile
 A wxMetafile represents the MS Windows metafile object, so metafile operations have no effect in X. More...
class  wxPalette
 A palette is a table that maps pixel values to RGB colours. More...
class  wxPen
 A pen is a drawing tool for drawing outlines. More...
class  wxPenList
 There is only one instance of this class: wxThePenList. More...
class  wxPixelData< Image, PixelFormat >
 A class template with ready to use implementations for getting direct and efficient access to wxBitmap's internal data and wxImage's internal data through a standard interface. More...
class  wxRegionIterator
 This class is used to iterate through the rectangles in a region, typically when examining the damaged regions of a window within an OnPaint call. More...
class  wxRegion
 A wxRegion represents a simple or complex region on a device context or window. More...
struct  wxSplitterRenderParams
 This is just a simple struct used as a return value of wxRendererNative::GetSplitterParams(). More...
struct  wxHeaderButtonParams
 This struct can optionally be used with wxRendererNative::DrawHeaderButton() to specify custom values used to draw the text or bitmap label. More...
class  wxDelegateRendererNative
 wxDelegateRendererNative allows reuse of renderers code by forwarding all the wxRendererNative methods to the given object and thus allowing you to only modify some of its methods – without having to reimplement all of them. More...
class  wxRendererNative
 First, a brief introduction to wxRendererNative and why it is needed. More...
struct  wxRendererVersion
 This simple struct represents the wxRendererNative interface version and is only used as the return value of wxRendererNative::GetVersion(). More...
class  wxTextWrapper
 Helps wrap lines of text to given width. More...