Fonts in XFree86

Juliusz Chroboczek, [email protected]

17 November 2003

1. Introduction

1.1. Two font systems

2. Installing fonts

2.1. Configuring Xft
2.2. Configuring the core X11 fonts system

3. Fonts included with XFree86

3.1. Standard bitmap fonts
3.2. The ClearlyU Unicode font family
3.3. Standard scalable fonts
3.4. The Bigelow & Holmes Luxi family

4. More about core fonts

4.1. Core fonts and internationalisation
4.2. Additional notes about scalable core fonts

5. Appendix: background and terminology

5.1. Characters and glyphs
5.2. Font files, fonts, and XLFD
5.3. Unicode

6. References

$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/fonts.sgml,v 1.27 2005/03/04 03:23:52 dawes Exp $