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YUI Library Examples: ImageCropper Control (beta): Advanced Crop Interface

ImageCropper Control (beta): Advanced Crop Interface

This example shows how to make an image croppable with some advanced features.

Setting up the Image Cropper

The ImageCropper Control will only work when applied to an image. So we place an image on the page and give it an id.

Creating the ImageCropper instance

Next we call the ImageCropper constructor on the image.

In this example, we are setting up a few advanced configs:

  • initialXY: The initial position of the crop region (defaults to [10, 10]).
  • initHeight: The inital height of the crop region (defaults to 1/4 the height).
  • initWidth: The inital width of the crop region (defaults to 1/4 the width).
  • keyTick: The tick interval for the arrow keys (defaults to 1 pixel)
  • shiftKeyTick: The tick interval for the arrow keys when the shift key is pressed (defaults to 10 pixels)

YUI Logger Output:

Note: You are viewing this example in debug mode with logging enabled. This can significantly slow performance.

Reload with logging
and debugging disabled.

More ImageCropper Control (beta) Resources:

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