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Zend is the PHP Company

Businesses utilizing PHP know Zend as the place to go for PHP expertise and sound technology solutions. Zend's founders Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski are key contributors to PHP and the creators of the core PHP scripting engine, the Zend Engine. Because of their internationally recognized expertise, the company continues to provide important leadership for PHP and other open source communities, and plays a central role in the explosive growth of PHP.


• Zend Framework手册 中文版
• Team Development with Zend Studio for Eclipse
• PHP is Not Java: Session Management White Paper
• PHP 4 to PHP 5 Migration
• PHP Leads Web 2.0
• Zend Download Server
• Scalability and Responsiveness with Zend Platform’s Job Queue
• Integrating PHP with System I using Web Services
• An overview on PHP
• PHP and Oracle


• http://www.zend.com