Devices can be added to Zenoss through the UI but also through a programmatic interface. This how to will describe adding a device using that interface.
Adding a device through a rest call can be done by a simple web get. In this example we will use wget to add a device. If you use wget don't for get to escape the "&" or wrap the URL in single quotes.
[zenos@zenoss $] wget 'http://admin:zenoss@MYHOST:8080/zport/dmd/DeviceLoader/loadDevice?deviceName=NEWDEVICE&devicePath=/Server/Linux'
The result of this command will be the log of auto-discovery and you can look for the string "NEWDEVICE loaded!" to see if it was successful. Possible failure messages are: "NEWDEVICE exists" and "no snmp found"
This is an example of how to add a device using python. Because XML-RPC can be used from any language feel free to use your favorite. What is important here is the base URL in ServerProxy, passing named parameters, and calling "loadDevice" on your proxy object.
>>> from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy >>> serv = ServerProxy('http://admin:zenoss@MYHOST:8080/zport/dmd/DeviceLoader') >>> dev = {'deviceName':'NEWDEVICE', 'devicePath':'/Server/Linux'} >>> serv.loadDevice(dev)
You can check on the device with another XML-RPC call:
>>> from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy >>> serv = ServerProxy('http://admin:zenoss@MYHOST:8080/zport/dmd/Devices/Server/Linux/devices/NEWDEVICE') >>> print serv.getManageIp()
XML-RPC Attributes | Description |
deviceName | the name or IP of the device. If it's a name it must resolve in DNS |
devicePath | the device class where the first "/" starts at "/Devices" like "/Server/Linux" the default is "/Discovered" |
tag | the tag of the device |
serialNumber | the serial number of the device |
zSnmpCommunity | snmp community to use during auto-discovery if none is given the list zSnmpCommunities will be used |
zSnmpPort | snmp port to use default is 161 |
zSnmpVer | snmp version to use default v1 other valid values are v2 |
rackSlot | the rack slot of the device. |
productionState | production state of the device default is 1000 (Production) |
comments | any comments about the device |
hwManufacturer | hardware manufacturer this must exist in the database before the device is added |
hwProductName | hardware product this must exist in the manufacturer object specified |
osManufacturer | OS manufacturer this must exist in the database before the device is added |
osProductName | OS product this must exist in the manufacturer object specified |
locationPath | path to the location of this device like "/Building/Floor" must exist before device is added |
groupPaths | list of groups for this device multiple groups can be specified by repeating the attribute in the url |
systemPaths | list of systems for this device multiple groups can be specified by repeating the attribute in the url |
statusMonitors | list of status monitors (zenping) for this device default is "localhost" |
performanceMonitor | performance monitor to use default is "localhost" |
discoverProto | discovery protocol default is "snmp" other possible value is "none" |