To create TestGen?4Web tests or to play previously recorded tests, you will need to download and install the FireFox extension. Be sure to restart after installing the extension.
To work with these session files in python, see the TestGen4Web-Python wiki page.
Start up FireFox
Make sure Zenoss is running:
zeoctl start zopectl start
Navigate to the Zenoss page where you wish to begin your test
Click the red "record" button in the TestGen?4Web FireBox toolbar
Navigate Zenoss, filling in form values appropriately
When you are finished, click the black, square "stop" button in the TestGen?4Web FireBox toolbar
Hit the green "play" button to review the recorded session
When satisfied, save the session by clicking the folder with the red down arrow
If the test is to be included in Zenoss, save the file in source:trunk/Products/ZenUITests/tests/TestGen4Web
To ease in the set-up and tear-down phases of recorded sessions, there are boiler plate files here.
can be opened in TestGen?4Web and appended. Once you are finished recording that session, you can copy the actions in boilerPlateTearDown.xml to the end of your newly recorded session.
Installing and Configuring
Mac OS X
Selenium uses FireFox by default, so you need to make sure that firefox-bin is in your path:
which firefox-bin
If that returns nothing (as mine does), then you need to add the path to firefox-bin to PATH. For me, this required doing the following:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Internet/