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Appendix A. Event Database Dictionary

Event FieldDescription 
dedupidevents will deduplicate based on the value of this field. by default: device, component, eventClass, eventKey, severity
devicename of device
componentname of component (like eth0, httpd, etc)
eclasseventClass (if not specified maybe added by rule process if this fails will be /Unknown)
eventKeyif a component needs further deduplication specification this field maybe used
summarymessage text truncated at 150 characters
messagefull message text
severitynumber from 0 to 5
eventStatestate of event 0 = new, 1 = acknowledged, 2 = suppressed
eventClassKeykey by which rules processing begins. Often equal to component.
eventGrouplogical group of event source (syslog, ping, nteventlog etc)
stateChangelast time event changed automatically updated
firstTimeunix timestamp when event is received.
lastTimelast time an event was received
countnumber of times an event has repeated
prodStateprodState of the device context
suppidid of event that suppressed this event
managerfqdn of the collector from which this event came
agentcollector name from which event came (zensyslog, zentrap, etc)
DeviceClassdevice class from device context
Locationdevice location from device context
Systemsdevice systems from device context separated by |
DeviceGroupsdevice systems from device context separated by |
ipAddressip from which event came
facilitysyslog facility of this is syslog event
prioritysyslog priority of this is syslog event
ntevidnt event id if this is nt eventlog event.