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3. TALES Event Attributes

Table B.2. TALES Event Attributes

TALES Event Attribute Description 
agentThe name of the daemon from which this event came (eg zensyslog, zentrap)
componentThe component of the associated device, if applicable
countNumber of times this event has been seen
dedupidA key used to correlate duplicate events
deviceThe id of the associated device, if applicable
evidA unique id for the event
eventClassThe event class associated with this device
eventGroupThe logical group of event source (syslog, ping, nteventlog etc)
eventKeyThe eventKey is the primary criteria for mapping events into event classes
facilityThe Unix syslog facility if this is a syslog event
firstTimeThe first time this event was seen
ipAddressThe IP address of the associated device, if known
lastTimeThe last time this event was seen
managerFully-qualified domain name of the collector from which this event came
priorityThe syslog priority if this is a syslog event
prodStateThe production state of the device
severityOne of 0 (Clear), 1 (Debug), 2 (Info), 3 (Warning), 4 (Error) or 5 (Critical)
stateChangeWhen the MySQL record for this event was last modified
summaryText description of the event

zProperties are also available for devices and events using the same syntax as above.