Extended Monitoring Guide

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3. Typical Usage Scenarios for Distributed Monitoring

Here are a few typical setup scenarios for utilizing multiple hubs and collectors:

  • ZeoDB - local hub - local collector

  • ZeoDB - local hub - remote collector

  • ZeoDB - local hub - multiple remote collectors

  • ZeoDB - multiple remote hubs - multiple remote collectors

The right distributed strategy for your environment depends on network security restrictions, as well as scale. Contact Zenoss Support if you are unsure which option best suits your enterprise.

3.1. ZeoDB - Local Hub - Local Collector

This setup requires only a single server, and is the most common Zenoss deployment type. You would most likely use this configuration if you need to monitor fewer than 1000 devices, and your master Zenoss server has direct network access to all of the monitored devices.

3.2. ZeoDB - Local Hub - Remote Collector

This setup requires two servers, and is the most basic distributed setup. The primary benefit of this configuration over the local hub/local collector configuration is that the master server does no collection. This frees resources, optimizing the server's ability to perform its central role of database server and Web interface.

3.3. ZeoDB - Local Hub - Multiple Remote Collectors

This is the most common distributed Zenoss configuration. Two reasons you might use this configuration are:

  • Scaling Zenoss to monitoring more than 1000 devices. Depending on the hardware of the collectors, it is possible to monitor up to 1000 devices for each collector using this configuration.

  • Handling differing network security policies. Often, your master Zenoss server will not have access to all of the devices you need to monitor. In this case you can set up a remote collector with the required network access.

3.4. ZeoDB - Multiple Remote Hubs - Multiple Remote Collectors

This configuration is for large installations only. For cases in which you have more than five collectors, you should consider deploying one or more hub servers to handle them.