Extended Monitoring Guide

1. About

The ZenMailTx ZenPack allows you to monitor round-trip email delivery.

1.1. Events

There are several situations for which ZenMailTx will create events. The component will be zenmailtx, the eventGroup will be mail and the eventClass will be /Status. These situations are:

  • The SMTP server name or the POP server name cannot be resolved.

  • The SMTP server or the POP server is down or unavailable.

  • The timeout (specified on the Data Source tab) is exceeded for the SMTP or POP server.

  • Authentication (if specified) with the SMTP or POP server fails.

  • A threshold defined for one of the data points in this data source is exceeded. Thresholds are defined in the performance template that contains the data source.

Once an email has successfully made a trip back and forth, a clear event is created that clears any failure events.