Extended Monitoring Guide

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3. Enable Event Forwarding

3.1. Import Zenoss MIB onto the Remote Receiver

The MIB file ZENOSS-MIB.txt is found at the base directory within the TrapForwarder distribution. Import this MIB into the event management system that you plan to forward to events to so that the SNMP traps that Zenoss will generate can be properly interpreted. Consult the documentation for the remote SNMP manager for instructions.

3.2. Configure Zenoss to Send Events as Traps

  1. From the navigation bar, click on Settings.

  2. Click the Daemons tab.

  3. Look for the trapforwarder daemon on the left-hand side and then click on the edit config button.

  4. Specify the following properties that are expected by your remote SNMP trap receiver.

    Table 44.2. trapforwarder Configuration File Options



    SNMP community name sent in each trap


    hostname or IP address of the remote SNMP trap receiver

    Required ZenPacks


  5. Click Save to save your changes.

  6. Click the Daemons tab and look for the trapforwarder daemon on the left-hand side and then click on the Start button.

  7. From the navigation bar, click on Event Manager.

  8. Click the Commands tab.

  9. Choose the events you want to forward, based on the example already setup called SNMP Trap. Click into it to edit.

    The example is setup to forward all new events from production devices with a severity of warning or greater. You may want to limit this further.

  10. Once configuration of the rule is complete, click on the Enabled field and set it to True.

  11. Click Save to save your changes.