ZenWebTx can access Web servers through HTTP proxy servers and non-authenticating HTTPS proxy servers.
To configure ZenWebTx to use a proxy, you must define the http_proxy
and https_proxy
environment variables.
Open the ~zenoss/.bashrc
Add the following lines:
export http_proxy=http://Address:Port/ export https_proxy=http://Address:Port/
where Address is the address of your HTTP or HTTPS proxy server, and Port is the port on which your proxy server listens.
HTTP and HTTPS proxies frequently listen on port 3128. If your proxy server is "my.proxyserver.loc" and it uses port 3128, then add these two lines to the ~zenoss/.bashrc
export http_proxy=http://my.proxyserver.loc:3128/ export https_proxy=http://my.proxyserver.loc:3128/
You can test the proxy setup by using the twill-sh tool. twill-sh is an interpreter shell for the twill scripting language, which is used to define WebTx
data sources.
After setting up the proxy information in the ~zenoss/.bashrc
file, follow these steps to test your setup:
Make sure http_proxy
and https_proxy
are defined in your current shell:
$ source ~zenoss/.bashrc
Launch the twill shell:
PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:\ $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenWebTx/ZenPacks/zenoss/ZenWebTx/lib:\ $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenWebTx/ZenPacks/zenoss/ZenWebTx/bin/twill-sh
Try to retrieve a URL through HTTP or HTTPS. For example, to retrieve the Zenoss home page, enter:
go http://www.zenoss.com
You should see a message similar to this:
current page: http://www.zenoss.com
If an error message appears, then your proxy may not be correctly configured in the ~zenoss/.bashrc
Exit the twill shell: