Create Components Manually

In addition to describe what components to create in ZUML pages, developers could create them manually. All component classes are concrete. You create them directly[15] with their constructors.

<window id="main">
    <button label="Add Item">    
        <attribute name="onClick">        
    new Label("Added at "+new Date()).setParent(main);    
    new Separator().setParent(main);    
    <separator bar="true"/>    

When a component is created manually, it won't be added to any page automatically. In other words, it doesn't appear at user's browser. To add it to a page, you could invoke the setParent, appendChild or insertBefore method to assign a parent to it, and it becomes a part of a page if the parent is a part of a page.

There is no destroy or close method for components[16]. A component is removed from the browser as soon as it is detached from the page. It is shown as soon as it is attached to the page.

<window id="main">
    <zscript>Component detached = null;</zscript>    
    <button id="btn" label="Detach">    
        <attribute name="onClick">        
    if(detached != null) {    
        detached = null;        
        btn.label = "Detach";        
    } else {    
        (detached = target).setParent(null);        
        btn.label = "Attach";        
    <separator bar="true"/>    
    <label id="target" value="You see this if it is attached."/>    

In the above example, you could use the setVisible method to have a similar effect. However, setVisible(false) doesn't remove the component from the browser. It just makes a component (and all its children) invisible.

After a component is detached from a page, the memory it occupies is release by JVM's garbage collector if the application has no reference to it.

[15] To make things simpler, the factory design pattern is not used.

[16] The concept is similar to W3C DOM. On the other hand, Windows API required developers to manage the lifecycle.