Namespace and ID Space

To let the interpreter able to access the components directly, the namespace concept (org.zkoss.scripting.Namespace) is introduced. First, each ID space has exactly one namespace. Second, variables defined in a namespace are visible to the scripting codes and EL expressions that belong to the same namespace.

<window border="normal">
    <label id="l" value="hi"/>    
        l.value = "Hi, namespace";        

In the following example, there are two namspaces. One belongs to window w1 and the other to window w2[24]. Thus, the b1 button's onClick script refers to the label defined in window w1, while the b2 button's onClick script refers to the checkbox defined in window w2.

<window id="w1">
    <window id="w2">    
        <label id="c"/>        
        <button id="b1" onClick="c.value = &quot;OK&quot;"/>        
    <checkbox id="c"/>    
    <button id="b2" onClick="c.label = &quot;OK&quot;"/>    

Notice the namespace is hierarchical. In other words, zscript in window w2 can see components in window w1, unless it is overridden in window w2. Thus, clicking button b1 will change label c in the following example.

<window id="w1">
    <window id="w2">    
        <button id="b1" onClick="c.value = &quot;OK&quot;"/>        
    <label id="c"/>    

In addition to ZK's assigning components to the namespace, you can assign your variables to them by use of the setVariable method, such that zscript can reference them directly.

[24] A window implements org.zkoss.zk.ui.IdSpace, so it forms an independent ID space and namespace.