The custom-attributes element

It defines a set of custom attributes. Custom attributes are objects associated with a particular scope. Acceptable scopes include component, space, page, desktop, session and application.

As depicted below, custom-attributes is convenient to assign custom attributes without programming.

    <custom-attributes"simple" very-simple="intuitive"/>    

It is equivalent to

        self.setAttribute("", "simple");        
        self.setAttribute("very-simple", "intuitive");        

Moreover, you could specify what scope to assign the custom attributes to.

<window id="main" title="Welcome">
    <custom-attributes scope="desktop" shared="${main.title}"/>    

It is equivalent to

<window id="main">
        desktop.setAttribute("shared", main.title);        

Notice that EL expression is evaluated against the component being created. Sometime it is subtle to notice. For example, ${componentScope.simple} is evaluated to null, in the following codes. Why? It is a shortcut of <label value="${componentScope.simple}"/>. In other words, the component, self, is the label rather than the window, when the EL is evaluated.

    <custom-attributes simple="intuitive"/>    

is equivalent to

    <custom-attributes simple="intuitive"/>    
    <label value="${componentScope.simple}"/><!-- self is label not window -->    

Tip: Don't confuse <attribute> with <custom-attributes>. They are irrelevant. The attribute element is a way to define a XML attribute of the enclosing element, while the custom-attributes element is used to assign custom attributes to particular scopes.

Attribute Name



[Optional][Default: component]

Specifies what scope to associate the custom attributes to.


[Optional][Default: none]

Specifies the condition to evaluate this element.


[Optional][Default: none]

Specifies the condition not to evaluate this element.