The position Property

In addition to the left and top properties, you can control the position of an overlapped/popup/modal window by use of the position property. For example, the following code snippet positions the window to the right-bottom corner.

<window width="300px" mode="overlapped" position="right,bottom">

The value of the position property can be a combination of the following constants by separating them with comma (,).




Position the window at the center. If left or right is also specified, it means the vertical center. If top or bottom is also specified, it means the horizontal center. If none of left, right, top and bottom is specified, it means the center in both directions.

Both the left and top property are ignored.


Position the window at the left edge.

The left property is ignored.


Position the window at the right edge.

The left property is ignored.


Position the window at the top.

The top property is ignored.


Position the window at the bottom.

The top property is ignored.

By default, its value is null. That is, the overlapped and popup window is positioned by the left and top properties, while the modal window is positioned at the center.