The size and border Properties

You could specify the size property of the following children components (north,south,east,west) to determine their sizes. However, the function of size property depends on the type of children components (vertically or horizontally). For horizontal components (north, and south), the size property determines their height. As for vertically components (east, and west), the size property determines their width.

The border property determines whether there exists border for these layout components, including all children components of borderlayout. The following table specifies values of border property.



none (default)

Without border


With border

Here is an example.

<borderlayout height="500px">
    <north size="30%" border="normal">    
        The North        
    <east size="30%" border="normal">    
         The East        

    <center border="normal">    
        The Center        
    <west border="normal">    
        The West        
    <south border="normal">    
        The South        