Components: bandbox and bandpopup.
A bandbox is a special text box that embeds a customizable popup window (aka., a dropdown window). Like comboboxes, a bandbox consists of an input box and a popup window. The popup window is opened automatically, when users presses Alt+DOWN or clicks the
Unlike comboboxes, the popup window of a bandbox could be anything. It is designed to give developers the maximal flexibility. A typical use is to represent the popup window as a search dialog.
<bandboxid="bd"><bandpopup> <vbox> <hbox>Search<textbox/></hbox> <listboxwidth="200px" onSelect="bd.value=self.selectedItem.label;bd.closeDropdown();"> <listhead> <listheaderlabel="Name"/> <listheaderlabel="Description"/> </listhead> <listitem> <listcelllabel="John"/> <listcelllabel="CEO"/> </listitem> <listitem> <listcelllabel="Joe"/> <listcelllabel="Engineer"/> </listitem> <listitem> <listcelllabel="Mary"/> <listcelllabel="Supervisor"/> </listitem> </listbox> </vbox> </bandpopup> </bandbox>
Mouseless Entrybandbox
Alt+DOWN to pop up the list.
Alt+UP or ESC to close the list.
UP and DOWN to change the selection of the items from the list.