Components: chart
A chart is used to show a set of data as a graph. It helps users to judge things with a snapshot.
The usage of chart component is straightforward. Prepare suitable data model and feed it into the chart . The following is an example of pie chart.
<chart id="mychart" type="pie" width="400" height="200" threeD="true" fgAlpha="128"> <zscript><![CDATA[ PieModel model = new SimplePieModel();model.setValue("C/C++", new Double(17.5)); model.setValue("PHP", new Double(32.5)); model.setValue("Java", new Double(43.2)); model.setValue("VB", new Double(10.0)); mychart.setModel(model); ]]></zscript> </chart>
Different kind of chart is used to demonstrate different kind of data; therefore, chart has to be provided suitable data model. For a pie chart, developers must provide PieModel as their data model while bar chart, line chart, area chart, and waterfall chart needs CategoryModel and XYModel.