Components that Support the name Property

All input-types components support the name property, such as textbox, datebox, decimalbox, intbox, combobox, bandbox, slider and calendar.

In addition, list boxes and tree controls are also support the name property. If the multiple property is true and users select multiple items, then multiple name/value pairs are posted.

<listbox name="who" multiple="true" width="200px">
        <listheader label="name"/>        
        <listheader label="gender"/>        
    <listitem value="mary>    
        <listcell label="Mary"/>        
        <listcell label="FEMALE"/>        
    <listitem value="john">    
        <listcell label="John"/>        
        <listcell label="MALE"/>        
    <listitem value="jane">    
        <listcell label="Jane"/>        
        <listcell label="FEMALE"/>        
    <listitem value="henry">    
        <listcell label="Henry"/>        
        <listcell label="MALE"/>        

If both John and Henry are selected, then the query string will contain:


Notice that, to use list boxes and tree controls with the name property, you have to specify the value property for listitem and treeitem, respectively. They are the values being posted to the servlets.