Input Events

Event Name




textbox datebox decimalboxdoublebox intbox combobox bandbox

Event: org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.InputEvent

Denotes the content of an input component has been modified by the user.


textbox datebox decimalboxdoubleboxintbox combobox bandbox

Event: org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.InputEvent

Denotes that user is changing the content of an input component. Notice that the component's content (at the server) won't be changed until onChange is received. Thus, you have to invoke the getValue method in the InputEvent class to retrieve the temporary value.


textbox datebox decimalbox doublebox intbox combobox bandbox

Event: org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.SelectionEvent

Denotes that user is selecting a portion of the text of an input component. You can retrieve the start and end position of the selected text by use of the getStart and getEnd methods.


textbox datebox decimalbox doublebox intbox combobox bandboxbutton toolbarbutton checkboxradio

Event: org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event

Denotes when a component gets the focus.

Remember event listeners execute at the server, so the focus at the client might be changed when the event listener for onFocus got executed.


textbox datebox decimalbox doublebox intbox combobox bandboxbutton toolbarbutton checkboxradio

Event: org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event

Denotes when a component loses the focus.

Remember event listeners execute at the server, so the focus at the client might be changed when the event listener for onBlur got executed.