Step 2. The Declaration

Before instantiating a macro component, you have to declare first. One of simplest way to declare is to use the component directives.

<?component name="username" macroURI="/WEB-INF/macros/username.zul"?>

As shown, you have to declare the name (the name attribute) and the URI of the page (the macroURI attribute).

Other Properties

In additions to the name, macroURI and class[55] attributes, you can specify a list of initial properties that will be used to initialize a component when it is instantiated.

<?component name="mycomp" macroURI="/macros/mycomp.zul"
myprop="myval" another="anotherval"?>



is equivalent to

<mycomp myprop="myval1" another="anotherval"/>

[55] The class attribute will be discussed later.