Configure the ZK Loader Not to Compress the Output

By default, the output of the ZK loader and filter is compressed, if the browser supports the content compression[59] (and the output is not included by other Servlets). By compressing the output, the transmission time over a slow Internet connection is reduced dramatically.

However, if you want to use a filter to post-process the output, the compression may not be applicable. In this case, you can disable it by specifying the compress parameter (init-param) to be true, when configuring the ZK loader in WEB-INF/web.xml as follows.


Notice: you can configure multiple ZK loader in one Web application. Each of them with a different options.


Similarly, you can configure the ZK filter (org.zkoss.zk.ui.http.DHtmlLayoutFilter) not to compress the output, too.







[59] Refer to 14.3 Accept-Encoding in