The forward Directive

<?forward uri="..." [if="..."] [unless="..."]?>

It specifies the URI to forward the request to, and the condition to decide whether to forward. If the condition is satisfied or not specified, this page won't be rendered, and the request is, instead, forwarded to the URI specified in the uri attribute.



[required][EL expressions allowed]

The URI of the page/servlet to forward to. It may be another ZUML page, a JSP page or any servlet.

If an EL expression is specified and it is evaluated to an empty string, it is considered as no forwarding at all.


[Optional][Default: true][EL expressions allowed]

The condition to forward to the specified URI. If both if and unless are omitted, this page won't be evaluated and ZK always forwards the request to the specified URI.


[Optional][Default: false][EL expressions allowed]

The condition not to forward to the specified URI. If both if and unless are omitted, this page won't be evaluated and ZK always forwards the request to the specified URI.