The link and meta Directives

<?link [href="uri"] [name0="value0"] [name1="value1"] [name2="value2"]?><?meta [name0="value0"] [name1="value1"] [name2="value2"]?>

These are so-called header elements in HTML. Currently only HTML-based clients (so-called browsers) support them.

Developers can specify whatever attributes with these header directives. ZK only encodes the URI of the href attribute (by use of the encodeURL method of the Executions class). ZK generates all other attributes directly to the client.

Notice that these header directives are effective only for the main ZUL page. In other words, they are ignored if a page is included by another pages or servlets. Also, they are ignored if the page is a zhtml file.

<?link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed"
href="/rssfeed.php"?><?link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"?>

<window title="My App">
    My content    