DC/OS Software Development Kit Status: Alpha

Cassandra: Quick Start

  1. Install DC/OS on your cluster. See the documentation for instructions.
  2. If you are using open source DC/OS, install DC/OS Apache Cassandra with the following command from the DC/OS CLI. If you are using Enterprise DC/OS, you may need to follow additional instructions. See the Install and Customize section for more information.

    dcos package install beta-cassandra

You can also install DC/OS Apache Cassandra from the DC/OS web interface.

  1. The service will now deploy with a default configuration. You can monitor its deployment via the Services UI in the DC/OS Dashboard.

  2. Connect a client to the DC/OS Apache Cassandra service.

    dcos beta-cassandra endpoints
    dcos beta-cassandra endpoints native-client
      "address": [
      "dns": [
  3. Write some data to your cluster using the node-0-server entry provided above.

    Note: In production, you should specify multiple node addresses to avoid disruption if a subset of addressed nodes are down:

    $ dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader
    $ docker run -it cassandra:3.0.14 cqlsh node-0-server.cassandra.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory
    > CREATE KEYSPACE space1 WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 };
    > USE space1;
    > CREATE TABLE testtable1 (key varchar, value varchar, PRIMARY KEY(key));
    > INSERT INTO space1.testtable1(key, value) VALUES('testkey1', 'testvalue1');
    > SELECT * FROM testtable1;