A requirement of the JBI/JSR208 is to allow the remote installation, deployment and management of Components. A preferred way of doing this is by Ant Tasks, that use the JMX interfaces exposed by the management of the Container.


All ServiceMix Ant Tasks are derived from JbiTask - see JbiTask and share its attributes:

Name type Description
serverProtocol String the default protcol used for connecting with the ServiceMix JMX MBeanServer (default is rmi)
host String hostname of the naming server (default is localhost)
containerName String name of the ServiceMix JBI Container to connect to (default is ServiceMix)
jmxDomainName String domain name of the MBeanServer used by the ServiceMix JBI Container (default is org.apache.servicemix)
port int The port the naming server listens for connections on (default is 1099)
jndiPath String The path in the naming server to retrieve the JMX Connection (default is /jmxri)
username String user name for the JMXConnection (default is "")
password String passwd for the JMXConnection (default is "")
failOnError boolean fail the build if an error occurs (default is true)

AntTasks derived from JbiTask include:
Components tasks

Shared libraries tasks

Service assemblies tasks