Native iOS Automation

This tutorial covers automating native iOS apps in Ruby and Java. To select the active language, click Ruby or Java on the left hand side. Code samples and content will change based on the selected language.

Getting started with appium


Appium enables iOS and Android automation using Selenium WebDriver. The same WebDriver bindings can be used across web and mobile.

In this chapter, we’ll be preparing to automate a native iOS application.

Install Overview

This document is written for OS X 10.9.2 or better.

Tool Description
OS X The mac operating system
Xcode Apple’s integrated development environment
rvm The ruby version manager. Helps install ruby
gem The rubygems command. A package manager for Ruby
Java A programming language and software development kit
bundler Enables managing gem dependencies
brew Helps install software on Macs
npm Node’s package manager
grunt A command line task runner for node.js
ant A java build system
maven A java build system with improved dependency management

Note that provides a ready to run version of appium. If you’re using then there’s no need to run from source unless you want to use the latest and greatest.

Install Xcode 5.1 from the App Store.

Install the command line build tools within Xcode. (Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads). Alternatively, download them directly from Apple.

Install Ruby

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable rvm install ruby

rvm list rvm --default use 2.1.1

rvm get head rvm autolibs homebrew rvm install ruby

ruby --version

gem update --system gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri bundler gem update gem cleanup

gem --version

gem uninstall -aIx appium_lib gem uninstall -aIx appium_console gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri appium_console

gem uninstall -aIx flaky gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri flaky

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

brew update brew upgrade node brew install node

node --version npm --version

npm install -g grunt grunt-cli

grunt --version grunt-cli v0.1.13 grunt v0.4.2

ant -version mvn -version

git clone git://

cd appium; ./

If you see config errors, try cleaning git. git clean -dfx; git reset --hard

You can also reset by platform. ./ --ios

sudo `which grunt`; authorize

$ node .

Bash Profile

$ nano ~/.bash_profile PATH=$PATH:/Applications/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/npm/bin/ export JAVA_HOME="`/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java_home`" export PATH


When using make sure to set Appium -> Preferences… -> Check “Use External Appium Package” and set it to the path of Appium cloned from GitHub.

Fix permission errors. npm shouldn’t require sudo.

brew uninstall node brew install node rm -rf ./node_modules rm -rf "/Users/`whoami`/.npm" rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ ./ --ios ./ --android

SSL Issues

Unable to download data from - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

rvm osx-ssl-certs update all rvm osx-ssl-certs status all

Maven on OS X 10.9

brew update brew install maven

Corrupt ruby gems

If you see:

invalid gem: package is corrupt, exception while verifying: undefined method

Then run rm -rf ~/.rvm and reinstall RVM.

Ruby IDE

I recommend the RubyMine IDE. For professional work, features such as auto completion, jump to definition, and refactoring are valuable.

If you have a preferred editor already, then feel free to continue using it.

Java IDE

Java has a number of popular editors. For this module, we’ll be using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, an open source IDE by JetBrains. The software is available for free download at this link.

If you already have a preferred editor, feel free to continue using it. The sample projects use Maven and work with Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ.

Link Summary
npm The main registry for npm packages. Appium is published here.
rubygems The main registry for Ruby gems. The appium ruby bindings are published here.
RVM RVM’s homepage. Extensive documentation is available.
Ruby The Ruby language homepage. Useful for keeping up to date with Ruby releases.


We learned about the appium project and how it’s useful for automating mobile applications. Then we installed all the necessary software to begin automation. Finally, helpful links were reviewed.

In the next chapter, we’ll look at writing tests interactively using a console.

Appium Ruby Console


A read-eval-print loop, REPL, is a great way to learn a new technology. In this chapter, we’ll be using the Appium Ruby Console (ARC) to write tests.

An open source mobile app will be used to demonstrate the standard test workflow. We’ll also look at a desktop app that makes writing tests a bit easier.

Compiling the iOS sample app

cd into the appium repository root. Running ./ --ios --dev will build the sample iOS app UICatalog.

The UICatalog app is provided by Apple.

After seeing ---- completed successfully ----, you’ll find at this location:


It’s important to note that this app is built for the simulator. Builds for physical iOS devices only work on physical iOS devices.

Appium supports physical devices however this tutorial focuses on virtual devices.

Prebuilt iOS Sample App

To make it easier to get started, I’ve uploaded a prebuilt version of the iOS sample app. If for some reason this app doesn’t work on your system, you may need to build from source. Instructions for building the sample app from source are in the previous lesson. is available as a zip. I recommend unzipping the app before using it with appium.

Starting the Console

To start the Appium Ruby Console for use with iOS, the app path is required.

In this case we’re developing locally, so let’s create an appium.txt with that path.

$ nano appium.txt [caps] platformName = "ios" app = "./"

The appium.txt contains two important pieces of information.

platformName is the platform we’re automating. In this case, we’re going to automate ios.

app is the path to The ruby console is able to parse relative paths. This path will then be converted to an absolute path which appium uses to identify which app to install on the simulator.

In a new terminal tab, start the appium server using node . In a different tab, run the arc command from within the directory containing appium.txt. The arc console will read appium.txt, launch the iOS simulator, and allow you to enter commands.

Page Command

With the console started, the next step is to begin automation. The page command prints a list of elements that are of interest.

[1] pry(main)> page class: :UIAStaticText
   name, label, value: UICatalog
   name, label: Buttons, Various uses of UIButton
   id: ButtonsTitle   => Buttons
       ButtonsExplain => Various uses of UIButton
   name, label: Controls, Various uses of UIControl
   id: ControlsExplain => Various uses of UIControl
       ControlsTitle   => Controls
   name, label: TextFields, Uses of UITextField
   id: TextFieldExplain => Uses of UITextField
       TextFieldTitle   => TextFields
   name, label: SearchBar, Use of UISearchBar
   id: SearchIcon       => Search
       SearchBarExplain => Use of UISearchBar
       SearchBarTitle   => SearchBar
   name, label: TextView, Use of UITextField
   id: TextViewTitle   => TextView
       TextViewExplain => Use of UITextField
   name, label: Pickers, Uses of UIDatePicker, UIPickerView
   id: PickerExplain => Uses of UIDatePicker, UIPickerView
       PickerTitle   => Pickers
   name, label: Images, Use of UIImageView
   id: ImagesExplain => Use of UIImageView
       ImageSwitch   => Image
       ImagesTitle   => Images
   name, label: Web, Use of UIWebView
   id: WebExplain => Use of UIWebView
       WebTitle   => Web
   name, label: Segments, Various uses of UISegmentedControl
   id: SegmentExplain => Various uses of UISegmentedControl
       SegmentTitle   => Segments
   name, label: Toolbar, Uses of UIToolbar
   id: ToolbarTitle   => Toolbar
       ToolbarExplain => Uses of UIToolbar
   name, label: Alerts, Various uses of UIAlertView, UIActionSheet
   id: AlertExplain     => Various uses of UIAlertView, UIActionSheet
       UIAlertViewTitle => UIAlertView
       AlertTitle       => Alerts
   name, label: Transitions, Shows UIViewAnimationTransitions
   id: TransitionsExplain => Shows UIViewAnimationTransitions
       TransitionsTitle   => Transitions

Let’s review in detail what this output means.

[1] pry(main)> page The 1 tells us this is the first command we’ve entered during this pry session. class: :UIAStaticText tells page to filter out elements that aren’t matching the target class. After running, the terminal will show [2] pry(main)> which means it’s ready for the second command. Pry is an open source runtime development console that’s used by the appium ruby console (arc).

Try some variations on the page command:

page - list everything page class: 'text' - list elements with the class string containing ‘text’ page class: :nav - list elements with the class string containing ‘nav’ page window: 1 - show all elements in window 1

The next set of information is the network traffic.

{ :script => "UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[0].getTree()" } post /execute { :script => "UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[1].getTree()" } post /execute { :script => "mobile: getStrings" }

In response to the page command, three network requests were sent. The selenium-webdriver gem is used to generate these requests.

After that is the result of the page command.

UIAStaticText name, label, value: UICatalog

UIAStaticText is the iOS specific name for the element.

Under each element name is a list of properties.

UIAStaticText name, label, value: UICatalog

In this case we see that the name, label, and value are all equal to UICatalog.

> find('UICatalog').name "UICatalog"

The find command in the appium ruby gem will search for a partial case insensitive match on a visible element with name, hint, label, or value containing the target value. Once we’ve found the element, then we accessed the name attribute to verify it matches what we expect.

To search for a UIAStaticText that matches, we’d use:

> text 'UICatalog' #<Selenium::WebDriver::Element:0x5e4e2159acc099a id="3">

This finds a static text that contains UICatalog. If we’re looking for an exact match, then text_exact works.

> text_exact 'UICatalog' #<Selenium::WebDriver::Element:0x5e4e2159acc099a id="3">

These helper methods are documented on GitHub. The difference between text and find is the class restriction. Find will match on any class while text will only match on a UIAStaticText element.

UIAStaticText name, label: Buttons, Various uses of UIButton id: ButtonsTitle => Buttons ButtonsExplain => Various uses of UIButton

On this element, there’s an id. The app_strings command lists all key-value pairs for the current app. They’re parsed from Localizable.strings within the app. The benefit of finding an element by id is that ids stay the same when text changes. Tests that look for text values will break when a comma is moved. In contrast, finding by id will always locate the element regardless of how the text value has changed.

Here’s an example of finding an element by id.

> id('ButtonsExplain').name "Buttons, Various uses of UIButton"

The id search will look for the text that the id resolves to, regardless of class.

> resolve_id 'ButtonsExplain' "Various uses of UIButton"

To use an id with a class restriction, resolve it first:

> text(resolve_id('ButtonsExplain')).name "Buttons, Various uses of UIButton"

To view all possible elements, there’s a source command. The page_class command will give you an overview of what classes exist on the current page.

> page_class 13x UIAStaticText 12x UIATableCell 4x UIAElement 2x UIAWindow 1x UIATableView 1x UIANavigationBar 1x UIAStatusBar 1x UIAApplication

The page command excels at identifying the elements you’re most likely interested in automating. I encourage you to read through the existing docs and try the methods on different elements.

Ending the session

Once we’re done with a testing session, it’s very important to cleanly quit. If a session is not terminated properly then appium will consider the session to still be in progress. This blocks all future sessions from working.

In the appium ruby console, the best way to quit the session is by using the x command. The x command first ends the webdriver session, and then ends the console.

If you desire to end only the webdriver session and remain in the console, use driver_quit.

It’s also important to end sessions when running tests outside the console. All the selenium bindings offer a quit method. This should be invoked once the testing session is over. Inspector

We’ve covered finding elements using the page command on the terminal. Appium also has a GUI tool on OS X called enables visual exploration of the application to identify elements. In addition, gestures are supported and can be exported to working code.

When using for the first time, click the checkbox button. This will activate appium doctor. If you don’t see all green checkmarks, then something is incorrect with your system configuration. Make the necessary changes, press the checkbox button again, and then proceed when everything is passing.

By default uses a bundled version of appium. If you’re running the newest appium version from source, then click Appium -> Preferences and set Use External Appium Package.

While most interactions can be done completely within the console, is great for identifying the proper values for appium’s gesture commands.’s inspector works on iOS. The data is based on the same source as the page command that we used in the last lesson.

Link Summary
Appium New versions of are available on the appium homepage.
appium_lib gem Appium’s ruby library is on GitHub.
appium_console gem Appium’s Ruby Console is also on GitHub.
Selenium JsonWireProtocol The network traffic displayed in the console conforms to the JSON Wire Protocol.


We covered using the ruby console to interactively explore apps and write tests. An open source iOS app was used for testing. In addition to the terminal workflow, we covered which is an excellent visual based tool.

Writing your first test


Now that we’ve looked at the commands in the console, it’s time to write our first test. This involves using a test framework, following the page object pattern, and running the test automatically.

Automating a simple action

Ruby notes:

The commands in the test are exactly the same as those used in the console.
Code can be copied and pasted to and from the console to form production tests.

Clone the git repository and open the projects/ruby_ios directory.
Java notes:

The commands from the Ruby console are different from those in the Java
bindings. To make this easier, the java_ios folder contains a Helpers class.
Convenience methods such as text, back, and wait have been added. They're
generally intended to mimic the code we've looked at in the Ruby console.

Clone the git repository and open the projects/java_ios directory.

The project is setup using maven.

- To use with NetBeans, go to `File` then `Open Project` and select the folder.
- To use with Eclipse, go to `File` then `Import` and select `Existing Maven Projects`
- To use with IntelliJ, go to `File` then `Open` and select the `pom.xml`
- To use with the command line, `mvn clean test` will run all the tests.

The basic structure of the UICatalog test app is that clicking on the text brings you to a dedicated page about that text. Buttons triggers the Buttons page, Controls triggers Controls, and so on.

We’re going to verify each element brings us to the correct page.

Click & verify

# ruby
text('Buttons, Various uses of UIButton').click
text_exact 'Buttons'
// java
text("Buttons, Various uses of UIButton").click();

For the first entry, we click on Buttons and then assert that the buttons page is displayed. The code is valid however there’s an issue related to timing.

In the console, the implicit wait is turned to zero for immediate feedback. That means when an element isn’t found the test ends immediately because an element not found exception is raised.

To overcome these timing problems, the wait helper method is useful.

Using a wait

# ruby
wait { text('Buttons, Various uses of UIButton').click }
wait { text_exact 'Buttons' }
// java
wait(for_text("Buttons, Various uses of UIButton")).click();

Now the code will wait up to 30 seconds for the command to succeed. If it succeeds then the next line is executed immediately. If the command is still failing after 30 seconds, an error is raised. If this error is not rescued then the test will end in failure.

Another problem with the test code is that we’re depending on the exact text value. When the app changes, our tests will break.

Dynamic values

# ruby
cell_1 = wait { text 2 }
page_title =',').first

wait { }
wait { text_exact page_title }
// java
WebElement cell_1 = wait(for_text(2));
String page_title = cell_1.getAttribute("name").split(",")[0];;

In this code, we’re finding the first text by index. Index 2 contains the first cell. Index 1 is the table header. After that we’re extracting the name and dynamically finding the title Buttons. The test will continue working even after small changes to the string values.

12 cells

To conclude this lesson, we’ll look at the code to automate all 12 cells.

# ruby
cell_names = tags('UIATableCell').map { |cell| }

cell_names.each do |name|
  wait { text_exact(name).click }
  wait { text_exact name.split(',').first }
  wait { back }
// java
List<String> cell_names = new ArrayList<String>();

for (WebElement cell : tags("UIATableCell")) {

for (String name : cell_names) {

Notice that we didn’t have to scroll to the elements that were off screen. By default, we’re able to access off screen elements and they’re scrolled into view.

The Java code for the examples is in `/java_ios/src/test/java/appium/tutorial/ios/`
The tests from that file may be run from the command line with:

mvn -Dtest=appium.tutorial.ios.AutomatingASimpleActionTest clean test

Page Object Pattern

Now that we have a test fully written, it’s time to apply the page object pattern.

This pattern is language independent and applies to any Selenium testing, not just appium. The idea is to create an abstraction at the page level. Each page knows how to perform the relevant actions.

Clone the git repository and copy the ruby_ios directory to your computer.

git clone

The pages are contained within the page folder, and the test inside specs. The test code is:



This says from the home page, find the buttons element and click it. Then go back, find the controls element and click it, and finally go back once more. The page objects are implemented using modules.

module UICatalog
  module Home
    class << self

There’s a top level UICatalog module followed by a module for the individual page. After that the class << self line makes the following methods static.

def button_uses_click
  wait { text(2).click }

This is the first element method. First the method asserts that the app is on the home page. Self in this case refers to the Home module. self .assert is the same as home.assert. After that the second static text is clicked. Finally, the code asserts the app is on the button uses page. The button_uses page object defines the assert methods:

def assert_exists
  text_exact resolve_id 'ButtonsTitle'

def assert
  wait { self.assert_exists }

In this part of the app there’s an ID. We’re resolving that id to the text value and then performing an exact static text search. This is the same as text_exact 'Buttons' however because we’re using ids, the text can change and the ids will remain constant.

appium.txt enables these page methods to be used from within the appium ruby console. In the next lesson, we’ll review running the entire test using Rake.

Now that we have a test fully written, it’s time to apply the page object pattern. For this tutorial, we’re going to implement the page object pattern using abstract classes and static helper methods.

The page object pattern is language independent and applies to any Selenium testing, not just appium. The idea is to create an abstraction at the page level. Each page knows how to perform the relevant actions.

Clone the git repository and copy the java_ios directory to your computer.

git clone

The project is setup using maven.

  • To use with NetBeans, go to File then Open Project and select the folder.
  • To use with Eclipse, go to File then Import and select Existing Maven Projects
  • To use with IntelliJ, go to File then Open and select the pom.xml
  • To use with the command line, mvn clean test will run all the tests.

The pages are contained within the page folder, and the test inside specs. The test code is:



This says from the home page, find the buttons element and click it. Then go back, find the controls element and click it, and finally go back once more. The page objects are implemented using abstract classes.


import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import static appium.tutorial.ios.util.Helpers.element;

/** Page object for the home page **/
public abstract class HomePage {

We’re using a helpers class to find elements using Selenium’s By class. The element method is imported statically so element() can be used instead of Helpers.element().

public static void buttonsClick() {
    element("Buttons, Various uses of UIButton")).click();

This is the first method in the HomePage class. The method starts by asserting that the app is on the home page. loaded(); in this context is the same as HomePage.loaded(); After that, we’re finding the “various uses of UIButton” element by name then clicking on it. Finally, the code asserts the app is on the buttons page. The ButtonsPage page object defines the assert methods:

public static void loaded() {

We’re looking for the title to verify the currently loaded page is the buttons page. The title element has a name attribute of “Buttons” so that’s how we’re finding it.

I encourage you to review the full source of the example. This is one way to implement the page object pattern. There are many other alternatives such as the PageFactory included in Selenium’s Java bindings.

Running the test

Now that we have the code written and it’s following best practices, let’s investigate a new way to run it.

One way to run the test is to copy and paste the lines into the console. This can be done line by line when debugging. You could also copy and paste the entire test.

When running a full test, it’s often preferable to use the rake command.

rake ios[test]

The Rakefile for this project is setup to define an ios task. That task accepts the test name as an argument.

Running a single test this way is great for debugging as the individual lines of the source code are printed to the console. It also reproduces how the test will be run in continuous integration. If there are timing issues then they will be apparent when everything is run together.

The rake output for our simple 4 line test is below:

$ rake ios[test]
Rake appium.txt path is: /tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios/appium.txt
bundle exec ruby ./lib/run.rb ios "test"
appium.txt path: /tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios/appium.txt
Exists? true
Loading /tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios/appium.txt
      "DEVICE" => "ios",
    "APP_PATH" => "./",
     "require" => [
        [0] "./lib/ios/pages",
        [1] "./lib/common.rb"

We’ve loaded appium.txt and then used bundle exec to run a ruby command with the gems defined in the Gemfile. The appium.txt defines what device to use, the app to install, and the files to load.

Start driver
Debug is: true
    :debug => true,
     :wait => 30
Device is: iPhone Simulator
post /session
    :desiredCapabilities => {
                    :platform => "OS X 10.9",
                     :version => "7",
                      :device => "iPhone Simulator",
                        :name => "Ruby Console iOS Appium",
        :"device-orientation" => "portrait",
                         :app => "/tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios/"

The driver is started in debug mode and we’re able to see the session traffic. The session capabilities are sent to the appium server.

post /execute
    :script => "mobile: setCommandTimeout",
      :args => [
        [0] {
            :timeout => 9999

The command timeout is set to a high value. That means if there’s a long pause between sending commands to appium, the test will not automatically fail.

post /timeouts/implicit_wait
    :ms => 30000

By default, we’re waiting 30 seconds for an element to show up. Even though implicit wait is used, we’re also taking advantage of a client side wait. On iOS some errors will not be retried unless you’re catching them client side.

Loading one test: /tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios/lib/ios/specs/./test.rb

We’ve found one test, test.rb, and execution begins.

test | 1 |ios/specs/test.rb:5

This is the 1st test in test.rb and it’s named test.


The actual line of code from test.rb that’s running is displayed in the console.

post /element
    :using => "xpath",
    :value => "text[@text='UICatalog']"
post /element
    :using => "xpath",
    :value => "//text[2]"
post /element/1/click
post /execute
    :script => "mobile: getStrings"
post /element
    :using => "xpath",
    :value => "text[@text='Buttons']"

That one call to home.button_uses_click generated 3 network requests. The first is for home.assert, the second and third are for clicking on the button, and finally we’re asserting we made it to the buttons page.

post /execute
    :script => "au.mainApp().getAllWithPredicate(\"name contains[c] 'back' || label contains[c] 'back'\");"
get /element/3/displayed
post /element/3/click

The back_click logic identifies the first back button that’s visible. iOS will return invisible elements that can’t be clicked on so it’s important to filter on visibility.

post /element
    :using => "xpath",
    :value => "text[@text='UICatalog']"
post /element
    :using => "xpath",
    :value => "//text[3]"
post /element/7/click
post /element
    :using => "xpath",
    :value => "text[@text='Controls']"

This is the second button, we’ve navigated to the Controls page.

post /execute
    :script => "au.mainApp().getAllWithPredicate(\"name contains[c] 'back' || label contains[c] 'back'\");"
get /element/9/displayed
post /element/9/click

And now we’re back to the home page.

Finished in 5 secs

1 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

At the end of the test, statistics are displayed. This is a successful run because there are no failures, errors, or skips. The final delete is the result of calling driver.quit which tells appium to end the session.

Now that we have the code written and it’s following best practices, let’s investigate a new way to run it.

mvn -Dtest=appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest clean test

We’re invoking maven and passing the fully qualified name of the PageObjectPatternTest class. Then we’re running the clean command to make sure old test code is deleted. Finally the test command runs which will execute each test that has the JUnit @org.junit.Test annotation.

Running a single test this way is great for quickly verifying the code works. To run all the tests, there’s the mvn clean test command. First clean is run, then all the tests are executed. We’re going to investigate the appium server output for the PageObjectPatternTest test.

debug: Request received with params:
  {"platform"=>"OS X 10.9",
   "device"=>"iPhone Simulator",

The desired capabilities tell appium what device to use, the app to install, and the requested simulator version.

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/timeouts/implicit_wait
debug: Request received with params: {"ms":30000}
info: Set iOS implicit wait to 30000ms

The driver.manage().timeouts() line of Java code requested that appium wait 30 seconds for elements to appear before giving up.

buttonsClick() {
  element("Buttons, Various uses of UIButton")).click();
debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element
debug: Request received with params: {"using":"name","value":"UICatalog"}

The first method that executes is buttonsClick. The logs show that loaded is checking for the UICatalog name to verify the homepage is displayed.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element
debug: Request received with params: {"using":"name","value":"Buttons, Various uses of UIButton"}

Next the code looks for the “Various uses of UIButton” element.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element/1/click
debug: Request received with params: {"id":"1"}

That element is found, assigned the id of 1, and then clicked.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element
debug: Request received with params: {"using":"name","value":"Buttons"}

Now the code looks to see if the Buttons page has loaded.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/back

After finding the buttons page, it’s time to return to the home page using back.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element
debug: Request received with params: {"using":"name","value":"UICatalog"}

The code verifies we successfully returned to the home page.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element
debug: Request received with params: {"using":"name","value":"Controls, Various uses of UIControl"}
debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element/4/click

Now the “uses of UIControl” is found and clicked.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/element
debug: Request received with params: {"using":"name","value":"Controls"}

Searching for “Controls” verifies we’ve made it to the controls page.

debug: Appium request initiated at /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692/back

Finally, we’re returning to the home page once more and the test is complete.

 T E S T S
Running appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 25.95 sec - in appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest

Results :

Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

At the end of the test, statistics are displayed. This is a successful run because there are no failures, errors, or skips.

DELETE /wd/hub/session/b0bfb78a-51d5-4e25-8a59-60fb49229692 200 794ms - 89b

The final delete is the result of calling driver.quit which tells appium to end the session.

Link Summary
appium_lib gem docs The Ruby lib has extensive documentation. A number of Ruby helper methods are available.
Selenium Ruby bindings The full API of the selenium ruby bindings is available. Under the hood the ruby bindings for appium use the selenium ruby bindings.
Selenium page objects The page object pattern is explained in great detail.
Rake The Rake homepage contains an overview of the tool.
Link Summary
Apache Maven Maven’s homepage contains extensive documentation
JUnit JUnit is on GitHub
Selenium page objects Selenium’s wiki has an excellent article about page objects
Apple’s uicatalog Apple hosts the sample code for the UICatalog app we’ve been testing
IntelliJ IDEA JetBrains has a free open source IntelliJ IDEA IDE that works well for Java
Eclipse Eclipse is another popular IDE
NetBeans NetBeans is a Java IDE by Oracle
Android Studio If you’re developing for android, you may already have Android Studio installed.
Selenium JsonWireProtocol The commands generated by using the Selenium bindings conform to the JSON Wire Protocol


We successfully wrote a complete test and applied the page object pattern to it. After that, we ran the test. The appium server output was reviewed to understand how the code is translated into selenium commands.

In the next chapter, we’re going to look at even more ways to run tests.

Running tests


So far we’ve looked at two different ways to run tests, the console and rake.

In this chapter we’ll cover running using the flaky gem, locally, on Jenkins, and on Sauce.

So far we’ve looked at running the tests using maven. In this chapter we’ll cover running via Jenkins, and on Sauce.

Flaky Gem

The flaky gem is a complete test runner specialized for appium Ruby tests.

It runs only on OS X and supports iOS and Android testing. After writing a number of UI tests, you’ll quickly notice that flakiness is a serious problem . One way we’re able to overcome this issue is by running failed tests multiple times.

The flaky gem has a number of run modes:

  • all tests - run everything
  • from file - run a set of tests as specified in a text file
  • one test - run only one test
  • two pass - run tests once, then run only the failures x amount of times.

The best way to understand these modes is to see them in action.

In addition to running the tests and recording pass/fail, there are a number of interesting features.

The test run is automatically video recorded, in addition to debug and crash logs. The crash logs are also recorded. After a run, all the specific information is stored in /tmp/flaky

This tool was designed for a highly specific use case (testing virtual devices) so even if it doesn’t work out of the box for you, some of the open source code may still be valuable.

flaky uses the same test syntax as rake.

To run the test.rb from the last lesson 3 times, use flake 3 ios[test]

$ flake 3 ios[test]
Recording Video: true
Running test 3x

 ios/specs/test  ✓ ✓ ✓

1 Tests

Success (1):
ios/specs/test, runs: 3, pass: 3, fail: 0

Finished in 1 min 24 secs
Mar 13 10:24 pm - 10:26 pm
3/13/2014   1   0   1   100

This output shows that we’re able to run the test 3 times without issue. Additional information is saved in /tmp/flaky. It’s not uncommon to have a test that fails 1 in 10 times. Rerunning failed tests is a way to see how stable they are.

The flaky gem is only for Ruby.

Running Locally

For completeness, there are three primary ways of running tests locally.

  • appium ruby console
  • rake
  • flake

Running locally means both the test and the virtual device are on your computer. Manually running the console, rake, or flake is nice for development. However to run the tests automatically, a continuous integration solution is needed. That’s what we’re discussing in the next lesson.

Using maven is one way to run tests locally.

mvn clean test

The above command will delete old code then run all the tests.

mvn -Dtest=appium.tutorial.ios.AutomatingASimpleActionTest clean test

-D sets the test property to the fully qualified class name of the test. Then clean is invoked, and test runs only the single test.

Running using Jenkins CI

Jenkins is a popular open source CI server. Appium works with any CI.

A simple way to get started is by downloading the Jenkins war.

then run

java -jar jenkins.war

now open a web browser and visit http://localhost:8080/

Click New Item, enter Appium job in Item name, select Build a free-style software project then click OK.

Scroll down to Build, and press Add build step, then select Execute shell . Add the following:

#!/bin/bash --login

killall -9 "iPhone Simulator" &> /dev/null
killall -9 ruby &> /dev/null
killall -9 node &> /dev/null
killall -9 instruments &> /dev/null

cd ~/tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios
bundle update
flake 1 ios[test]

Press OK, and then Build Now near the top left of the page. Click on the build link inside the Build History tab. Finally select Console Output. You should see something like this:

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace ~/.jenkins/jobs/Appium job/workspace
[workspace] $ /bin/bash --login /var/folders/w7/c1yh5bps5dnc0frz0tbj_dmh0000gn/T/
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching additional metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake (10.1.1)
Using awesome_print (1.2.0)
Using json (1.8.1)
Using posix-spawn (0.3.8)
Using ffi (1.9.3)
Using childprocess (0.5.1)
Using multi_json (1.9.0)
Using rubyzip (1.1.0)
Using websocket (1.0.7)
Using selenium-webdriver (2.40.0)
Using blankslate (
Using parslet (1.5.0)
Using toml (0.1.1)
Using appium_lib (0.21.0)
Using bond (0.5.1)
Using coderay (1.1.0)
Using method_source (0.8.2)
Using slop (3.5.0)
Using pry (
Using numerizer (0.1.1)
Using chronic_duration (0.10.4)
Using spec (5.0.19)
Using appium_console (0.5.9)
Using flaky (0.0.31)
Using test_runner (0.9.37)
Using bundler (1.5.3)
Your bundle is updated!
Recording Video: true
Running test 1x
 ios/specs/test [0m[32m ✓[0m

1 Tests

Success (1):
ios/specs/test, runs: 1, pass: 1, fail: 0

Finished in 32 secs
Mar 13 10:41 pm - 10:41 pm
3/13/2014   1   0   1   100
Finished: SUCCESS
#!/bin/bash --login

killall -9 "iPhone Simulator" &> /dev/null
killall -9 node &> /dev/null
killall -9 instruments &> /dev/null

node . &> /dev/null &

cd ~/tutorial/modules/source/java_ios
mvn clean test

# end appium when the job is done to prevent
# leaking file descriptors
killall -9 node &> /dev/null

Make sure that APPIUM_HOME is set in your ~/.bash_profile

open ~/.bash_profile export APPIUM_HOME="path/to/appium"

Press OK, and then Build Now near the top left of the page. Click on the build link inside the Build History tab. Finally select Console Output. You should see results in the Jenkins console once the job completes.

 T E S T S
Running appium.tutorial.ios.AutomatingASimpleActionTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 87.175 sec - in appium.tutorial.ios.AutomatingASimpleActionTest
Running appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 16.115 sec - in appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest

Results :

Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:47.262s
[INFO] Finished at: Sat Mar 22 15:14:14 EDT 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/114M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finished: SUCCESS

Appium works well in CI. For a proper setup, the Jenkins master node would be on a different physical machine. The OS X executor would then attach to the master node. The code would be pulled from GitHub using the Git plugin. Note that for iOS automation to work, Jenkins should be setup as a LaunchAgent instead of a LaunchDaemon.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at running the same test on Sauce Labs. This means we don’t have to worry about setting up OS X build nodes or starting the appium server.

Running on Sauce

All the tools and techniques we’ve covered so far produce tests that run well on Sauce Labs.

Testing is best done by using a continuous integration software such as Jenkins.

With a few tweaks to the Jenkins setup we used in the previous lesson, we’ll be running on Sauce very quickly. upload.rb takes care of sending the app to Sauce Labs using the storage API.

#!/bin/bash --login
cd ~/tutorial/modules/source/ruby_ios
bundle update

export SAUCE_USERNAME="your username from sauce"
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="your accesskey from sauce"
export UPLOAD_FILE=''
ruby ./upload/upload.rb

export SAUCE_PATH=""
export APP_NAME="Ruby iOS Appium tutorial"

flake 1 ios[test]

Now when we run the job, instead of using a local simulator, it’ll run on the Sauce cloud.

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace ~/.jenkins/jobs/Appium job/workspace
[workspace] $ /bin/bash --login /var/folders/w7/c1yh5bps5dnc0frz0tbj_dmh0000gn/T/
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching additional metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake (10.1.1)
Using awesome_print (1.2.0)
Using json (1.8.1)
Using posix-spawn (0.3.8)
Using ffi (1.9.3)
Using childprocess (0.5.1)
Using multi_json (1.9.0)
Using rubyzip (1.1.0)
Using websocket (1.0.7)
Using selenium-webdriver (2.40.0)
Using blankslate (
Using parslet (1.5.0)
Using toml (0.1.1)
Using appium_lib (0.21.0)
Using bond (0.5.1)
Using coderay (1.1.0)
Using method_source (0.8.2)
Using slop (3.5.0)
Using pry (
Using numerizer (0.1.1)
Using chronic_duration (0.10.4)
Using spec (5.0.19)
Using appium_console (0.5.9)
Using flaky (0.0.31)
Using mime-types (2.1)
Using rest-client (1.6.7)
Using test_runner (0.9.37)
Using bundler (1.5.3)
Your bundle is updated!
File already uploaded
Recording Video: true
Running test 1x
 ios/specs/test [0m[32m ✓[0m

1 Tests

Success (1):
ios/specs/test, runs: 1, pass: 1, fail: 0 

Finished in 41 secs
Mar 13 11:08 pm - 11:08 pm
3/13/2014   1   0   1   100
Finished: SUCCESS

Visiting the link on Sauce will allow you to review the test logs, video recordings, and other information.

#!/bin/bash --login
cd ~/tutorial/modules/source/java_ios
export SAUCE_USERNAME="your username from sauce"
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="your accesskey from sauce"

mvn -Dsauce=true clean test

Now when we run the job, instead of using a local simulator, it’ll run on the Sauce cloud.

 T E S T S
Running appium.tutorial.ios.AutomatingASimpleActionTest
  test: one
  test: two
  test: four
  test: three
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 261.724 sec - in appium.tutorial.ios.AutomatingASimpleActionTest
Running appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest
  test: pageObject
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 54.265 sec - in appium.tutorial.ios.PageObjectPatternTest

Results :

Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5:19.745s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Jun 03 23:28:05 EDT 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 17M/185M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Link Summary
Jenkins CI The Jenkins homepage contains the latest releases and additional information.
Jenkins Plugins One of the best parts of Jenkins is the extensive amount of plugins.
flaky gem flaky is on GitHub.
screen_recording The objective c code for recording Android/iOS is on GitHub
Sauce appium tutorial Sauce has great documentation for getting started on their platform.
Link Summary
Jenkins CI The Jenkins homepage contains the latest releases and additional information.
Jenkins Plugins One of the best parts of Jenkins is the extensive amount of plugins.
screen_recording The objective c code for recording Android/iOS is on GitHub
Sauce appium tutorial Sauce has great documentation for getting started on their platform.


We looked at the flaky gem, running locally, and installing Jenkins CI. From there we ran a test successfully on Sauce.

In the final chapter, we’ll look at some additional resources for maintaining and writing production level automation.

We looked at the running locally with maven from the terminal, maven via Jenkins, and using Sauce.

In the final chapter, we’ll look at some additional resources for maintaining and writing production level automation.



In this final chapter, we’ll look at resources, support, and how to search the source code.

Additional Resources

Appium relies on Apple’s UI Automation for iOS support.

Community Support

Appium has community support in the form of a Google discussion group.

Make sure to read through the online documentation before posting a question. In addition to the documentation, make sure to search the group archive to see if your question has already been asked.

You may want to review How To Ask Questions The Smart Way if you’re new to online discussion groups.

Professional Support

Sauce Labs offers professional support for appium on their hosted cloud. If you are a Sauce Labs customer and encounter an issue on the Sauce platform, then make sure to open a support ticket.

Apple supports UI Automation so if there are bugs in the Apple software that reproduce without using appium, file them with apple. As Apple keeps all bugs private, it’s helpful to also duplicate the report to open radar.

Searching the Source Code

Appium is fully open source. Very few parts of the automation stack are not available on GitHub. The Apple tooling, for example Instruments, is proprietary. For everything else, GitHub is an amazing tool to look at the source.

If we’re interested to see what happens when we type “page” in the Ruby console, the answer is only a search away. Notice that quotes are used for “def page” so that we’re looking for a ruby method starting with page.

Selenium and all the official bindings are also on GitHub. Here’s a sample search showing that the Ruby bindings support the status command.

appium is composed of modules. The module related to iOS automation is appium-uiauto. To find out what happens on iOS when we request the page source, search for getTree. From there we can tell what the source contains and how it’s built.

If we’re interested to see a list of iOS tag names and what they map to, search for setup a map on the mechanic project.

Link Summary
Sauce Labs Sauce Labs supports appium for automated mobile testing in the cloud.
GitHub GitHub contains all the appium source code.
Appium docs Appium has documentation inside the git repository
Apple’s developer videos Apple posts session videos from WWDC


We covered a number of resources from Apple WWDC videos to the Google discussion group. In addition to community support, appium is available for professional support from companies such as Sauce Labs. Finally, we looked at ways to search the relevant source code to answer questions about automation.