(Flex Data Visualization components only)

The mx.charts.chartClasses package contains the base classes for the Flex charting components.

 IAxis The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis.
 IAxisRenderer The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis.
 IBar The IBar interface is implemented by any any series that can be clustered vertically, such as a BarSeries.
 IChartElement IChartElement defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart.
 IChartElement2 IChartElement2 defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart.
 IColumn ChartElements that can be clustered along the vertical axis should implement this interface.
 IStackable The IStackable interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked.
 IStackable2 The IStackable2 interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked.
 AxisBase The AxisBase class serves as a base class for the various axis types supported in Flex.
 AxisLabelSet An AxisLabelSet represents the label and tick data generated by an implementation of IAxis.
 BoundedValue A bounded value is used to represent a datapoint that a chart element intends to render on screen.
 CartesianCanvasValue Defines the position of objects on a data canvas.
 CartesianChart The CartesianChart class is a base class for the common chart types.
 CartesianDataCanvas This class lets you use add graphical elements such as lines, ellipses, and other shapes by using a graphics API.
 CartesianTransform The CartesianTransform object represents a set of axes that maps data values to x/y Cartesian screen coordinates and vice versa.
 ChartBase The ChartBase class is the link between the Flex component architecture and the DualStyleObject architecture.
 ChartElement The ChartElement class is the base class for visual chart elements.
 ChartItemDragProxy The default drag proxy used when dragging items from a chart control.
 ChartLabel Draws data labels on chart controls.
 ChartState Describes the current state of a chart.
 DataDescription The DataDescription structure is used by ChartElements to describe the characteristics of the data they represent to Axis objects that auto-generate values from the data represented in the chart.
 DataTip The DataTip control provides information about a data point to chart users.
 DataTransform The DataTransform object represents a portion of a chart that contains glyphs and can transform values to screen coordinates and vice versa.
 DateRangeUtilities A set of disabled date range utilities used by DateTimeAxis
 DualStyleObject The DualStyleObject class serves as a base class for components that have a need to assign class selectors outside of the client developer's control.
 HLOCSeriesBase HLOCSeriesBase is the base class for the two financial series types, HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries.
 InstanceCache InstanceCache is a utility that governs the task of creating and managing a set of n object instances, where n changes frequently.
 LegendData The LegendData structure is used by charts to describe the items that should be displayed in an auto-generated legend.
 NumericAxis The NumericAxis class acts as a common base class for axis types representing a continuous range of values between a defined minimum and maximum.
 PolarChart The PolarChart control serves as base class for circular charts based in polar coordinates.
 PolarDataCanvas PolarDataCanvas class enables user to use graphics API with respect to data coordinates instead of screen coordinates.
 PolarTransform The PolarTransform object represents a set of axes used to map data values to angle/distance polar coordinates and vice versa.
 RenderData RenderData structures are used by chart elements to store all of the relevant values and data needed to fully render the chart.
 Series The Series class is the base class for the classes that let you specify a data series for a chart control.
 StackedSeries Stacked Series serves as the common base class for all of the stacking set series (BarSet, ColumnSet, and AreaSet).