The mx.controls.dataGridClasses package contains the classes used by the DataGrid control.

 DataGridBase The DataGridBase class is the base class for controls that display lists of items in multiple columns.
 DataGridColumn The DataGridColumn class describes a column in a DataGrid control.
 DataGridDragProxy The DataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging data from a DataGrid control.
 DataGridHeader The DataGridHeader class defines the default header renderer for a DataGrid control.
 DataGridHeaderBase The DataGridHeaderBase class defines the base class for the DataGridHeader class, the class that defines the item renderer for the DataGrid control.
 DataGridItemRenderer The DataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DataGrid control.
 DataGridListData The DataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property that is implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the DataGrid control.
 DataGridLockedRowContentHolder The DataGridLockedRowContentHolder class defines a container in a DataGrid control of all of the control's item renderers and item editors.