The mx.effects.easing package contains the easing classes used by effects.

 Back The Back class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
 Bounce The Bounce class defines three easing functions to implement bounce motion with Flex effect classes.
 Circular The Circular class defines three easing functions to implement circular motion with Flex effect classes.
 Cubic The Cubic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
 Elastic The Elastc class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
 Exponential The Exponential class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
 Linear The Linear class defines easing functions to implement linear motion with Flex effect classes.
 Quadratic The Quadratic class defines three easing functions to implement quadratic motion with Flex effect classes.
 Quartic The Quartic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
 Quintic The Quintic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
 Sine The Sine class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by a sine wave.