Interfacepublic interface ISOAPDecoder extends IXMLDecoder

Decodes the SOAP response for a particular operation.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  forcePartArrays : Boolean
Determines whether or not a single or empty return value for an output message part that is defined as an array should be returned as an array containing one (or zero, respectively) elements.
  headerFormat : String
Determines how the SOAP-encoded headers are decoded.
  ignoreWhitespace : Boolean
Determines whether the decoder should ignore whitespace when processing the XML of a SOAP-encoded response.
 InheritedmakeObjectsBindable : Boolean
When makeObjectsBindable is set to true, anonymous Objects and Arrays are wrapped to make them bindable.
  multiplePartsFormat : String
Determines the type of the default result object for calls to web services that define multiple parts in the output message.
 InheritedrecordXSIType : Boolean
When recordXSIType is set to true, if an encoded complexType has an xsi:type attribute the type information will be recorded on the decoded instance if it is strongly typed and implements mx.rpc.xml.IXMLSchemaInstance or is an anonymous mx.utils.ObjectProxy.
  resultFormat : String
Determines how the SOAP-encoded XML result is decoded.
 InheritedtypeRegistry : mx.rpc.xml:SchemaTypeRegistry
Maps XML Schema types by QName to ActionScript Classes in order to create strongly typed objects when decoding content.
  wsdlOperation : WSDLOperation
A WSDLOperation defines the SOAP binding styles and specifies how to decode a SOAP result.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
decode(xml:*, name:QName = null, type:QName = null, definition:XML = null):*
Decodes an XML document to an ActionScript object.
Decodes a SOAP response into a result and headers.
Resets the decoder to its initial state, including resetting any Schema scope to the top level and releases the current XML document by setting it to null.
Property Detail

Determines whether or not a single or empty return value for an output message part that is defined as an array should be returned as an array containing one (or zero, respectively) elements. This is applicable for document/literal "wrapped" web services, where one or more of the elements that represent individual message parts in the "wrapper" sequence could have the maxOccurs attribute set with a value greater than 1. This is a hint that the corresponding part should be treated as an array even if the response contains zero or one values for that part. Setting forcePartArrays to true will always create an array for parts defined in this manner, regardless of the number of values returned. Leaving forcePartArrays as false will only create arrays if two or more elements are returned.

    public function get forcePartArrays():Boolean
    public function set forcePartArrays(value:Boolean):void

Determines how the SOAP-encoded headers are decoded. A value of object specifies that each header XML node is decoded into a SOAPHeader object, and its content property is an object structure as specified in the WSDL document. A value of xml specifies that the XML is left as XMLNodes. A value of e4x specifies that the XML should be accessible using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) expressions.

    public function get headerFormat():String
    public function set headerFormat(value:String):void

Determines whether the decoder should ignore whitespace when processing the XML of a SOAP-encoded response. The default should be true and thus whitespace not preserved. If an XML Schema type definition specifies a whiteSpace restriction set to preserve then ignoreWhitespace must first be set to false. Conversely, if a type whiteSpace restriction is set to replace or collapse then that setting is be honored even if ignoreWhitespace is set to false.

    public function get ignoreWhitespace():Boolean
    public function set ignoreWhitespace(value:Boolean):void

Determines the type of the default result object for calls to web services that define multiple parts in the output message. A value of "object" specifies that the lastResult object will be an Object with named properties corresponding to the individual output parts. A value of "array" would make the lastResult an array, where part values are pushed in the order they occur in the body of the SOAP message. The default value for document- literal web services is "object". The default for rpc services is "array". The multiplePartsFormat property is applicable only when resultFormat="object" and ignored otherwise.

    public function get multiplePartsFormat():String
    public function set multiplePartsFormat(value:String):void

Determines how the SOAP-encoded XML result is decoded. A value of object specifies that the XML is decoded into an object structure as specified in the WSDL document. A value of xml specifies that the XML is left as XMLNodes. A value of e4x specifies that the XML will be accessible using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) expressions.

    public function get resultFormat():String
    public function set resultFormat(value:String):void

A WSDLOperation defines the SOAP binding styles and specifies how to decode a SOAP result.

    public function get wsdlOperation():WSDLOperation
    public function set wsdlOperation(value:WSDLOperation):void
Method Detail
public function decodeResponse(response:*):SOAPResult

Decodes a SOAP response into a result and headers.


response:* — The SOAP response object.

SOAPResult — A SOAPResult object containing the response.