The package contains classes that define events used by the AIR application update framework. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.

 DownloadErrorEvent AIR-only A DownloadErrorEvent object is dispatched by an ApplicationUpdater or ApplicationUpdaterUI object when an error happens while downloading the update file.
 StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent AIR-only A StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of a ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
 StatusFileUpdateEvent AIR-only Dispatched after the updater successfully validates the file in the call to the installFromAIRFile() method.
 StatusUpdateErrorEvent AIR-only A StatusUpdateErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of an ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
 StatusUpdateEvent AIR-only An updater object dispatches a StatusUpdateEvent object after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file.
 UpdateEvent AIR-only A UpdateEvent is dispatched by a ApplicationUpdater object during the update process.