Classpublic class Base64Encoder
InheritanceBase64Encoder Inheritance Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A utility class to encode a String or ByteArray as a Base64 encoded String.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  insertNewLines : Boolean = true
A Boolean flag to control whether the sequence of characters specified for Base64Encoder.newLine are inserted every 76 characters to wrap the encoded output.
  newLine : int = 10
[static] The character codepoint to be inserted into the encoded output to denote a new line if insertNewLines is true.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
encode(data:String, offset:uint = 0, length:uint = 0):void
Encodes the characters of a String in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer.
encodeBytes(data:ByteArray, offset:uint = 0, length:uint = 0):void
Encodes a ByteArray in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer.
Encodes the UTF-8 bytes of a String in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Clears all buffers and resets the encoder to its initial state.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the current buffer as a Base64 encoded String.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  CHARSET_UTF_8 : String = "UTF-8"
Property Detail
public var insertNewLines:Boolean = true

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A Boolean flag to control whether the sequence of characters specified for Base64Encoder.newLine are inserted every 76 characters to wrap the encoded output. The default is true.

public static var newLine:int = 10

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The character codepoint to be inserted into the encoded output to denote a new line if insertNewLines is true. The default is 10 to represent the line feed \n.

Constructor Detail
public function Base64Encoder()

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1


Method Detail
public function encode(data:String, offset:uint = 0, length:uint = 0):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Encodes the characters of a String in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer. Subsequent calls to this method add on to the internal buffer. After all data have been encoded, call toString() to obtain a Base64 encoded String.


data:String — The String to encode.
offset:uint (default = 0) — The character position from which to start encoding.
length:uint (default = 0) — The number of characters to encode from the offset.

public function encodeBytes(data:ByteArray, offset:uint = 0, length:uint = 0):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Encodes a ByteArray in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer. Subsequent calls to this method add on to the internal buffer. After all data have been encoded, call toString() to obtain a Base64 encoded String.


data:ByteArray — The ByteArray to encode.
offset:uint (default = 0) — The index from which to start encoding.
length:uint (default = 0) — The number of bytes to encode from the offset.

public function encodeUTFBytes(data:String):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Encodes the UTF-8 bytes of a String in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer. The UTF-8 information does not contain a length prefix. Subsequent calls to this method add on to the internal buffer. After all data have been encoded, call toString() to obtain a Base64 encoded String.


data:String — The String to encode.

public function reset():void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Clears all buffers and resets the encoder to its initial state.

public function toString():String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns the current buffer as a Base64 encoded String. Note that calling this method also clears the buffer and resets the encoder to its initial state.

String — The Base64 encoded String.
Constant Detail
public static const CHARSET_UTF_8:String = "UTF-8"