Classpublic class TextFlowUtil
InheritanceTextFlowUtil Inheritance Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextFlowUtil is a utility class which provides methods for importing a TextFlow from, and exporting a TextFlow to, the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
 Inheritedprototype : Object
[static] A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] Exports a TextFlow into the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework, in the form of XML.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
importFromString(markup:String, whiteSpaceCollapse:String = "collapse"):flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow
[static] Creates a TextFlow by importing (i.e., parsing) a String containing the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.
importFromXML(markup:XML, whiteSpaceCollapse:String = "collapse"):flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow
[static] Creates a TextFlow by importing (i.e., parsing) XML containing the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Method Detail
public static function export(textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow):XML

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Exports a TextFlow into the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework, in the form of XML.

The root tag of the exported XML will be

      <TextFlow xmlns="" ...>


textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow — The TextFlow to be exported in Text Layout Framework markup language.

XML — XML containing Text Layout Framework markup language.
public static function importFromString(markup:String, whiteSpaceCollapse:String = "collapse"):flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Creates a TextFlow by importing (i.e., parsing) a String containing the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.

An example of a markup string is

      "<TextFlow xmlns=''>

Hello, World!


However, you can use terser markup such as

"Hello, World!"
. It will get wrapped with a TextFlow tag in the proper namespace, and span and paragraph tags will get automatically inserted where needed to comply with the structure of a TextFlow.

If you specify the TextFlow tag yourself, it must be in the correct XML namespace for runtime Text Layout Framework markup, which is "".

Incorrect markup will cause this method to throw various exceptions. The error message will contain information about why it could not be parsed.


markup:String — The markup String to be imported.
whiteSpaceCollapse:String (default = "collapse") — A String indicating whether the whitespace in the markup should be collapsed or preserved. The possible values are WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE and WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE in the flashx.textLayout.formats.WhiteSpaceCollapse class. The default value is WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE.

flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow — A new TextFlow instance created from the markup.
public static function importFromXML(markup:XML, whiteSpaceCollapse:String = "collapse"):flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Creates a TextFlow by importing (i.e., parsing) XML containing the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.

An example of markup XML is

      <TextFlow xmlns=''>

Hello, World!


However, you can use terser markup such as

"Hello, World!"
. It will get wrapped with a TextFlow tag in the proper namespace, and span and paragraph tags will get automatically inserted where needed to comply with the structure of a TextFlow.

If you specify the TextFlow tag yourself, it must be in the correct XML namespace for runtime Text Layout Framework markup, which is "".

Incorrect markup will cause this method to throw various exceptions. The error message will contain information about why it could not be parsed.


markup:XML — The markup XML to be imported.
whiteSpaceCollapse:String (default = "collapse") — A String indicating whether the whitespace in the markup should be collapsed or preserved. The possible values are WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE and WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE in the flashx.textLayout.formats.WhiteSpaceCollapse class. The default value is WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE.

flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow — A new TextFlow instance created from the markup.