Rocks Base Nodes

B.1. Rocks Base Nodes

B.1.1. 411

The packages and other common elements of the 411 Secure Information Service.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.2. 411-client

Sets up the 411 Secure Information Service for clients. The 411 service will automatically configure itself when a file is published. Also puts all current 411 files from the frontend into the kickstart file for services that cannot tolerate a single 411 failure. Note that 411 can never guarentee full absolute success at any single time. It only offers consistancy over the long term.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.3. 411-server

Sets up the 411 Secure Information Service for Master nodes. Creates the RSA public and private keys for the cluster, and configures Apache for 411.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.4. apache

Apache HTTP Server

Parent Nodes:

B.1.5. autofs

AutoFS for automounting home directories over NFS or the loopback device.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.6. autofs-client

AutoFS Client

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.7. autofs-server

AutoFS server

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.8. base

Base class for all Rocks nodes. This should include compute nodes, frontend nodes, standalone laptops, computer labs, graphics nodes, nfs servers To achieve this level of flexibility this base class should have edges only to those classes that implement the core of Rocks.

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.9. c-development

Minimalist C development support. This is everything you need to compile the kernel.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.10. cdr

CDR Tools (burnings, iso, ripping, mp3 enconding)

Parent Nodes:

B.1.11. central

A Rocks Cluster Central server. Can kickstart other servers over the network.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.12. client

The 'client node' in the graph. This file is used as a connection point for other XML configuration nodes.

Children Nodes:

B.1.13. cluster-db

Rocks Cluster Database

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.14. cluster-db-data

Populate cluster database with initial data

Parent Nodes:

B.1.15. cluster-db-structure

Cluster Database SQL table structure. This used to be generated from a dump of the structure on Meteor. Now we just edit this directly.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.16. devel

The 'devel node' in the graph. This file is used as a connection point for other XML configuration nodes.

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.17. dhcp-server

Setup the DHCP server for the cluster

Parent Nodes:

B.1.18. disk-stamp

Take a root partition, and make it ours! This is the key to determining, on reinstalls, if we should save partitions (because the stamp is there) or blow away all the paritions on the disk (because the stamp isn't there).

Parent Nodes:

B.1.19. dns-server

Configures a DNS nameserver for the cluster on the frontend. Both forward and reversed zones are defined using the database.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.20. docbook

DOC Book support (needed to build rolls)

Parent Nodes:

B.1.21. elilo

IA-64 Bootloader support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.22. emacs

Emacs OS

Parent Nodes:

B.1.23. fortran-development


Parent Nodes:

B.1.24. fstab

Examine the disks on the box we're installing and see if there are existing, non-root partitions which we should preserve.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.25. grub

IA-32 Boot loader support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.26. install

Do everything needed to kickstart compute nodes or, generally speaking, everything needed to kickstart any node from this machine.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.27. installclass

The base installclass files. This graph node must preceed any other installclass graph nodes.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.28. installclass-client

The client installclass files.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.29. installclass-server

The server installclass files.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.30. ip-diag

TCP/IP Network diagnostic tools.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.31. keyboard

Support USB keyboard for ia64

Parent Nodes:

B.1.32. logrotate

Append rules to logrotate to prune files in /var/log

Parent Nodes:

B.1.33. media-server

Root for the kickstart file on the CD/DVD.

Children Nodes:

B.1.34. node

A node is a machine in the cluster. Node's are on a private network and get DHCP/NIS state from the frontend.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.35. node-thin

Turn off a bunch of packages we think we can live without. They take up too much room on the CD. For DVD based systems this is not required Be the ugly american. the only reason why we do this is because we want to be able to fit a rocks-enabled solution onto a single cdrom and the packages below don't directly help people to run parallel applications

Parent Nodes:

B.1.36. ntp

Network Time Protocol

Parent Nodes:

B.1.37. ntp-client

Network Time Protocl

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.38. ntp-server

Network Time Protocl

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.39. perl-development

Perl support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.40. python-development

Python support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.41. rocks-dist

Distribution building with rocks-dist

Parent Nodes:

B.1.42. rpc

RPC support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.43. scripting

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.44. server

The 'server node' in the graph. This file is used as a connection point for other XML configuration nodes.

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.45. server-wan

A Rocks Cluster machine that has been kickstarted over the wide area network. Used by the central server to construct a minimal kickstart file.

Children Nodes:

B.1.46. ssh

Enable SSH

Parent Nodes:

B.1.47. ssh-client

SSH Config for compute nodes and other non-frontend appliances. We are using one key pair among all SSH servers in the cluster. This implies we do not care about Man-in-the-Middle attacks. We have subverted the protection for these attacks for several releases (broadcastSSH). This logic should not be in the ssh.xml node so the frontend will generate its own keypair.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.48. ssl

Open SSL support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.49. syslog

Setup Syslog

Parent Nodes:

B.1.50. syslog-client

Setup Syslog for client machine to forward messages

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.51. syslog-server

Setup Syslog for server to accept forwarded messages

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes:

B.1.52. tcl-development

Tcl support

Parent Nodes:

B.1.53. x11

X11 Desktop applications.

Parent Nodes:

B.1.54. x11-thin

Trimmed down version of X11 for when we don't need sound all all that other GUI nonsense. I just want to run netscape man.

Parent Nodes:

Children Nodes: