Chapter 30. JOnAS Versions Migration Guide

This section describes how to migrate from JOnAS 3.3.x to JOnAS 4.1.

30.1. JOnAS 3.3.x to Red Hat Application Server 1.0

Applications developed for JOnAS 3.3.x do not require changes; however, they should be redeployed (GenIC). See Chapter 15 Application Deployment and Installation Guide for details. The main changes occur within the JOnAS configuration files; you should port your customizations to the new JOnAS 4.1 configuration files, especially for the ones mentioned below.

30.1.1. Configuration Changes

The two most visible configuration changes are the following:

  • HTTP port numbers have moved from the 8000 range to the 9000 range. For example, the JOnAS server index page with default configuration on a given host is now http://localhost:9000/index.jsp

  • The three RMI communication protocols, jrmp, jeremie, and iiop can now be used simultaneously; the incompatibility between Jeremie and rmi/iiop and the "ant installiiop" step has been suppressed. Because of this, the "ant install" phase (in JONAS_ROOT) is no longer required.

Configuration files with significant changes:

  • conf/server.xml is a customized Tomcat 5 configuration file, while in JOnAS 3.3.x it was a Tomcat 4 configuration file. Also, package names of JOnAS-related security files have changed; for example replaces The JAAS classname realm is

  • conf/jetty5.xml replaces conf/jetty.xml. In the web-jetty.xml files (in war), the package name of the Realm class has changed. For example, replaces class. The JAAS classname realm is

  • conf/ has many changes

    • Some properties for web services

    • Some package names have changed (such as for the Web JOnAS service)

    • The XML validation is activated by default for EJBs

    • New properties for the service "db" (by default it uses HSQL as the Java database).

  • conf/joram-admin.cfg is a new configuration file used for specifying the creation of JMS-administered objects when using the JORAM connector (J2EE CA 1.5 JMS resource adapter). The default file corresponds to the default-administered objects created when using the JOnAS JMS service.

30.1.2. Running EJB 2.1 Message-driven Beans

The use of EJB 2.1 Message-driven beans (MDBs) requires changing the JOnAS configuration. While for EJB 2.0 MDBs the JOnAS JMS service was required, EJB 2.1 MDBs can only be used through a JMS Connector (J2EE CA 1.5 resource adapter). Currently the JOnAS JMS service and the JMS connector cannot work at the same time, therefore it is necessary to remove the "jms" service from the list of JOnAS services ( in and to add the JORAM connector in the list of resource adapters to be deployed by the JOnAS resource service (jonas.service.resource.resources in Note that it is currently not possible to simultaneously run EJB 2.0 MDBs and EJB 2.1 MDBs in the same server. It is anticipated that a JMS connector able to handle both EJB 2.0 and EJB 2.1 MDBs will be available soon, at which time the JOnAS JMS service will become deprecated. For more details, refer to Section 3.5.9 Configuring the JMS Service and Section 3.7 Configuring JMS Resource Adapters.

30.1.3. Deploying Resource Adapters

The Section 6.7 RAConfigResource Adapter configuration tool did not generate the DOCTYPE information in JOnAS 3.3.x versions. If you are using resource adapters that were customized through RAConfig, it is recommended that you run the tool again on these Resource Adapters.