3.5. Configuring JOnAS Services

JOnAS may be viewed as a number of manageable built-in services started at server launching time. JOnAS is also able to launch external services, which can be defined as explained in Chapter 24 JOnAS Services.

The following is a list of the JOnAS built-in services:


The registry binds remote objects and resources that will later be accessed via JNDI. It is automatically launched before all the other services when starting JOnAS.


The jmx service enables you to administer the JOnAS servers and the JOnAS services via a JMX-based administration console. jmx launches automatically.

JOnAS uses MX4J (refer to http://mx4j.sourceforge.net/).


The Transaction Manager service is used for the support of distributed transactions. This is the only mandatory service for JOnAS.


The database service is required by application components that need to access relational databases.


The resource service is needed for access to Resource Adapters conformant to the J2EE Connector Architecture Specification.


As of the 4.1 release, a JMS provider can be integrated through the deployment of a resource adapter.


The security service enforces security at runtime.


The EAR service provides support for J2EE applications.


The Mail service is required by e-mail applications.


The EJB Container service provides support for EJB application components.


The WEB Container service provides support for web components (as servlets and JSP). At this time JOnAS provides an implementation of this service for Tomcat.


The WebServices service provides support for WebServices (WSDL publication).

The services available in a JOnAS server are those specified in the JOnAS configuration file. The jonas.services property in the jonas.properties file must contain a list of the required service names. Currently, these services are started in the order in which they appear in the list. Therefore, the following constraints should be considered:


jonas.services registry,jmx,jtm,dbm,security,resource,jms,mail,ejb,ws,web,ear

The registry can be omitted from the list because this service is automatically launched if it is not already activated by another previously started server. This is also true for jmx, since, beginning with JOnAS 3.1, this service is automatically launched after the registry.

The dbm, resource, and jms services are listed after the jtm.

The application components deployed on this server can use Java Messaging and Java Mail because jms and mail are listed before ejb.

Configuration parameters for services are located in the jonas.properties file. They must follow the strict naming convention that a service XX will be configured via a set of properties:

jonas.service.XX.foo   something
jonas.service.XX.bar   else

3.5.1. Configuring the Registry Service

The registry service is used for accessing the RMI registry, CMI registry, or CosNaming (iiop), depending on the configuration of communication protocols specified in carol.properties. (refer to Section 3.3 Configuring the Communication Protocol and JNDI.)

There are several Registry-launching modes based on the value of the JOnAS property jonas.service.registry.mode. The possible values of this property are:


The Registry is launched in the same JVM as JOnAS Server, if not already started. This is the default value.


The Registry is launched in the same JVM as the JOnAS Server.


The Registry must be launched before the JOnAS Server in a separate JVM. (Refer to Section 6.4 registry.)

The port number on which the Registry is launched is defined in the carol.properties file.

3.5.2. Configuring the EJB Container Service

The EJB Container service is the primary JOnAS service. It provides EJB containers for EJB components.

You can create an EJB container from an EJB-JAR file in the following ways:

JOnAS also allows for loading unpacked EJB components. The name of the xml file containing the EJB's deployment descriptor must be listed in the jonas.service.ejb.descriptors property. Note that the JOnAS server must have access to the component's classes, which may be achieved using the XTRA_CLASSPATH environment variable (refer to Chapter 5 JOnAS Class Loader Hierarchy).

3.5.3. Configuring the WEB Container Service

The WEB Container service provides WEB containers for the WEB components used in the J2EE applications. JOnAS provides an implementation of the WEB Container service for Tomcat 5.0.x.

A WEB container is created from a WAR file. If the file name does not contain an absolute path name, it must be located in the $JONAS_BASE/webapps/ directory.

JOnAS can create WEB containers when the JOnAS server starts by providing the corresponding file names via the jonas.service.web.descriptors property in the jonas.properties file.


jonas.service.web.descriptors  Bank.war

In this example the WEB Container service creates a container from the WAR file named Bank.war. It searches for this file in the $JONAS_BASE/webapps/ directory.

By using webapp directories instead of packaging a new WAR file each time, you can improve the development process. You can replace the classes with the new compiled classes, reload the servlets in your browser, and immediately see the changes. This is also true for the JSPs. Note that these reload features can be disabled in the configuration of the Tomcat web container at production time.

Example of using the jonasAdmin/ webapp directory instead of jonasAdmin.war.

  1. In the JONAS_BASE/webapps/autoload directory, create a directory (for example, jonasAdmin): JONAS_BASE/webapps/autoload/jonasAdmin

  2. Move the jonasAdmin.war file to this directory.

  3. Unpack the WAR file to the current directory, then remove the WAR file.

  4. At the next JOnAS startup, the webapp directory is used instead of the WAR file. Change the JSP and see the changes at the same time.

3.5.4. Configuring the WebServices Service A. Choose a Web Service Engine

At this time, only one implementation for WebServices is available: the Axis implementation. But in the future, a Glue implementation can be made easily.

In jonas.properties:

# the fully qualifier name of the service class
jonas.service.ws.class org.objectweb.jonas.ws.AxisWSServiceImpl
#... B. Choose One or More WSDL Handler(s)

WSDL Handlers are used to locate and publish all your WSDL documents. You can use several WSDL Handlers as long as you define them in the jonas.properties file.


If you want to publish a WSDL into the local file system, use the FileWSDLHandler

In jonas.properties:

# a list of comma separated WSDL Handlers
    jonas.service.ws.wsdlhandlers file1
# Configuration of the file WSDL Handler
    jonas.service.ws.file1.type file
# Make sure users who run JOnAS have read/write access in this directory
    jonas.service.ws.file1.location /path/to/directory/where/store/wsdls

3.5.5. Configuring the EAR Service

The EAR service allows deployment of complete J2EE applications (including both EJB-JAR and WAR files packed in an EAR file). This service is based on the WEB container service and the EJB container service. The WEB container service is used to deploy the WARs included in the J2EE application; the EJB container service is used to deploy the EJB containers for the EJB-JARs included in the J2EE application.

This service may be configured by setting the jonas.service.ear.descriptors property in jonas.properties file. This property provides a list of ears that must be deployed when JOnAS is launched.

When using relative paths for EAR file names, the files should be located in the $JONAS_BASE/apps/ directory.


jonas.service.ear.descriptors  Bank.ear

In this example the EAR service will deploy the EAR file named Bank.ear. It will search for this file in the $JONAS_BASE/apps/ directory.

3.5.6. Configuring the Transaction Service

The Transaction service is used by the Container service in order to provide transaction management for EJB components as defined in the deployment descriptor. This is a mandatory service.

The Transaction service uses a Transaction manager that may be local or may be launched in another JVM (a remote Transaction manager). Typically, when there are several JOnAS servers working together, one Transaction service must be considered as the master and the others as slaves. The slaves must be configured as if they were working with a remote Transaction manager.

The following is an example of the configuration for two servers: one named TM in which a standalone Transaction service will be run, one named EJB that will be used to deploy an EJB container:

jonas.name                 TM
jonas.services             jtm
jonas.service.jtm.remote   false


jonas.name                      EJB
jonas.services                  jmx,security,jtm,dbm,ejb
jonas.service.jtm.remote        true
jonas.service.ejb.descriptors   foo.jar

Another possible configuration option is the value of the transaction time-out, in seconds, via the jonas.service.jtm.timeout property.

The following is the default configuration:

jonas.service.jtm.timeout   60

3.5.7. Configuring the Database Service


The description of the new JDBC Resource Adapters as a replacement for the database service is located in Chapter 40 Configuring JDBC Resource Adapters.

To allow access to one or more relational databases (for example, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and so on), JOnAS will create and use DataSource objects. Such a DataSource object must be configured according to the database that will be used for the persistence of a bean. More details about DataSource objects and their configuration are provided in Chapter 4 Configuring JDBC DataSources.

The following subsections briefly explain how to configure a DataSource object for your database in order to be able to run the Entity Bean example.

Note that the SQL requests sent to the database can be easily traced using the JOnAS Logging system and the integrated P6Spy tool. The configuration steps are described in Section 4.4 Tracing SQL Requests Through P6Spy. Configuring Oracle for the Supplied Example

You can find a template Oracle1.properties file in the installation directory (refer to $JONAS_BASE/conf/Oracle1.properties). This file is used to define a DataSource object that is named Oracle1. This template must be updated with values appropriate to your installation. The fields are the following:

datasource.nameJNDI name of the DataSource: The name used in the example is jdbc_1.
datasource.urlThe JDBC database URL: for the Oracle JDBC "Thin" driver it is jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:sql*net_port_number:ORACLE_SID If using an Oracle OCI JDBC driver, the URL is jdbc:oracle:oci7: or jdbc:oracle:oci8:
datasource.classnameName of the class implementing the Oracle JDBC driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
datasource.mapperAdapter (JORM), mandatory for CMP2.0 only (more details in Section 4.2 CMP2.0/JORM): rdb.oracle8 for Oracle 8 and prior versions
datasource.usernameDatabase user name
datasource.passwordDatabase user password

For the EJB platform to create the corresponding DataSource object, the Oracle1 name must be in the jonas.properties file on the jonas.service.dbm.datasources line:

jonas.service.dbm.datasources      Oracle1

There may be several DataSource objects defined for an EJB server, in which case there will be several dataSourceName.properties files and a list of the DataSource names on the jonas.service.dbm.datasources line of the jonas.properties file:

jonas.service.dbm.datasources      Oracle1, Oracle2

To create the table used in the example with the SQL script that is provided in the examples/src/eb/Account.sql file, the Oracle server must be running with a JDBC driver installed. (Oracle JDBC drivers can be downloaded from Oracle's web site: http://otn.oracle.com/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/content.html)

For example:

sqlplus user/passwd
    SQL> @Account.sql
    SQL> quit

The JDBC driver classes must be accessible from the classpath. To do this, update the config_env file $JONAS_ROOT/bin/unix/config_env. Configuring Other Databases

The same type of process can be used for other databases. A template of datasource for PostgreSQL and for InterBase is supplied with JOnAS. Although many other databases are currently used by the JOnAS users (for example, Informix, Sybase, SQL Server), not all JDBC drivers have been tested against JOnAS.

3.5.8. Configuring the Security Service

The Security service is used by the Container service to provide security for EJB components. The Container service provides security in two forms: declarative security and programmatic security. The Security service uses security roles and method permissions located in the EJB deployment descriptor.

Note that:

There is one property in the jonas.properties file for configuring the security service: the jonas.security.propagation property should be set to true (which is the default value) to allow the security context to propagate across method calls. Refer to Section 3.3.2 Security and Transaction Context Propagation. Using Web Container Tomcat 5.0.x Interceptors for Authentication

With Tomcat 5.0.x, go to the $JONAS_ROOT/conf/server.xml file, the $JONAS_BASE/conf/server.xml file, the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file, or the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml file and replace the following line:

<Realm className="org.objectweb.jonas.security.realm.web.catalina50.JACC"
        debug="99" resourceName="memrlm_1"/>

with this line:

<Realm className="org.objectweb.jonas.security.realm.JRealmCatalina41" \
   debug="0" resourceName="memrlm_1" />

A memory, Datasource, or LDAP resource can be used for the authentication, with the correct name of the specified resource as resourceName that is: memrlm_1, memrlm_2, dsrlm_1, ldaprlm_1, etc. Configuring Mapping Principal/Roles

JOnAS relies on the jonas-realm.xml file for access control to the methods of EJB components (refer to $JONAS_BASE/conf/jonas-realm.xml).

Example of a secured bean with the role jonas:


The following subsections describe how to configure the different resources for performing authentication if it is necessary to add a user that has the specified role (jonas) and is authorized to call methods, etc. Configuring a Memory Resource in the jonas-realm.xml File

To add the role 'jonas', place this example role in the <roles> section:

    <role name="jonas" description="Role used in
      the sample security howto" />

Then, add a user with the specified role. Add a user with the 'jonas' role in the <users> section:

    <user name="jonas_user" password="jonas_password" roles="jonas" />

The <groups> section permits grouping roles. Add the memory resource in the jonas-realm.xml file:

  <memoryrealm name="howto_memory_1">
      <role name="jonas" description="Role used in
        the sample security howto" />
      <user name="jonas_user" password="jonas_password" roles="jonas" />
</jonas-memoryrealm> Configuring a Datasource Resource in the jonas-realm.xml File

First, build the tables in which the users and roles will be stored.

Example of tables :

realm_users: Add a user jonas_user with the password jonas_password

...          ...
jonas_user   jonas_password
...          ...

Note that the table can contain more than two columns.

realm_roles: Add the role jonas to the user jonas_user

...          ...
jonas_user   jonas
...          ...

Now, declare the resource in the jonas-realm.xml file.

The dsName element describes the JNDI name of the datasource to use. Thus, a Datasource configuration with the right JNDI name for the dbm service must be set in the jonas.properties file.

The datasource resource to add in the jonas-realm.xml file is:

    <dsrealm name="howto_datasource_realm1"
        userTable="realm_users" userTableUsernameCol="user_name" 
        roleTable="realm_roles" roleTableUsernameCol="user_name" 
</jonas-dsrealm> Configuring an LDAP Resource in the jonas-realm.xml File

The user is added in the LDAP server. In this case, all the users are on the ou=people,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org DN.

For example, for the user jonas_user the unique name will be: DN uid=jonas_user,ou=people,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org

The role jonas will be added on the ou=groups,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org DN. In this case: DN cn=jaas,ou=groups,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org

The user is added to the role by adding a field uniquemember to the role: uniquemember = uid=jonas,ou=people,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org

LDIF format for the user:

# jonas_user, people, jonas, objectweb, org
dn: uid=jonas_user,ou=people,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: jonas_user
sn: jonas_user
cn: JOnAS user
userPassword:: jonas_password

LDIF format for the role:

# jonas, groups, jonas, objectweb, org
dn: cn=jonas,ou=groups,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
uniqueMember: uid=jonas_user,ou=people,dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org
cn: jonas

Now the jonas-realm.xml file can be customized by adding a LDAP resource.

There are two authentication methods:

  • The bind method (default): In order to check the access rights, the resource attempts to login to the LDAP server with the given username and password.

  • The compare method: The resource retrieves the password of the user from the LDAP server and compares this password to the password given by the user.


    The compare method requires the admin roles in the configuration in order to read the user passwords.

All the elements of the configuration for the LDAP resource can be found in the jonas-realm_1_0.dtd DTD file (refer to http://jonas.objectweb.org/current/xml/jonas-realm_1_0.dtd).

For this sample, it is assumed that the LDAP server is on the same computer and is on the default port (389). It takes all the default values of the DTD.

The datasource resource to add in the jonas-realm.xml file is:

  <ldaprealm name="howto_ldap_realm1"
                 baseDN="dc=jonas,dc=objectweb,dc=org" />
</jonas-ldaprealm> Configuring Client Authentication Based on the Client Certificate in the Web Container Introduction

In order to set up the client authentication based on client certificate in a Web container, do the following:

  1. Configure the Realm the Web container will have to use.

  2. Configure an SSL listener on the Web container.

  3. Configure the Web application to make it ask a client certificate.

  4. Configure the JAAS LoginModules.

  5. Populate the Realm access list.

It is mandatory to possess a X.509 certificate for your Web container on each external interface (IP address) that accepts secure connections. This one can be digitally signed by a Certification Authority or can be autosigned. Step 1: Configure the Realm the Web Container Uses

With Tomcat 5.0.x, in the $JONAS_ROOT/conf/server.xml file, the $JONAS_BASE/conf/server.xml file, the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file, or the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml file, replace the current Realm by the following:

  className="org.objectweb.jonas.security.realm.web.catalina50.JAAS" />

The class specified uses the JAAS model to authenticate the users. Thus, to choose the resource in which to look for authentication data, configure JAAS. Step 2: Configure an SSL Listener on the Web Container

Uncomment the following section in the server.xml file:

<Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector" 
    port="9043" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="true" 
    acceptCount="10" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true">
  <Factory className="org.apache.catalina.net.SSLServerSocketFactory" 
    clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"/>


Set the clientAuth parameter to false, otherwise all Web applications will request a client certificate if they need SSL. The client authentication will be configured later in the web.xml file in the specific WAR files.

For more information, refer to http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.0-doc/ssl-howto.html. Step 3: Configure your Web Application to Request a Client Certificate

Add the following lines to the web.xml file of the WAR file of the Web application:

    <realm-name>Example Authentication Area</realm-name>


  • Ensure that the restricted Web application area is configured in the web.xml file in the WAR file with a security-constraint declaration.

  • Ensure that the Web application is always accessed with SSL, unless the Web container will not get a certificate and will not be able to authenticate the user.

  • When authentication is enabled on client certificate, the user's Web browser receives the list of the Certification Authorities trusted by your Web application. A connection will be established with the client only if it has a certificate issued by a trusted Certification Authority, otherwise its certificate will be rejected.

    The certificates of all the trusted Certification Authorities must be imported in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts keystore file (customize the SSL listener to modify this location). Step 4: Configure the JAAS LoginModules

This authentication process is built on the JAAS technology. This means that authentication is performed in a pluggable way and the desired authentication technology is specified at runtime. Therefore, you must choose the LoginModules to use in your Web container to authenticate the users. Choose the LoginModules

org.objectweb.jonas.security.auth.spi.JResourceLoginModule is the main LoginModule. It is highly recommended that this be used in every authentication, as it verifies the user authentication information in the specified resource.

org.objectweb.jonas.security.auth.spi.JResourceLoginModule accepts the following parameters:

  • resourceName: the name of the entry in the jonas-realm.xml file being used; this entry represents how and where the authentication information is stored. This is the only required parameter.

  • certCallback: Specify this optional parameter if you want this login module to ask for a certificate callback. By default it is set to false. When using JAAS realms with certificates, set it to true.

org.objectweb.jonas.security.auth.spi.CRLLoginModule is the LoginModule that contains authentication based on certificates. However, when enabled, it will also permit non-certificate based accesses. It verifies that the certificate presented by the user has not been revoked by the Certification Authority that signed it. To use it, the directory in which to store the revocation lists (CRLs) files or a LDAP repository must exist.

org.objectweb.jonas.security.auth.spi.CRLLoginModule can take the following parameters:

  • CRLsResourceName: this parameter specifies how the CRLs are stored:

    • Directory: if the CRL files are stored in a directory on the machine, you must specify another parameter pointing to that directory:

      • CRLsDirectoryName: the directory containing the CRL files (the extension for these files must be .crl).

    • LDAP: This functionality is experimental if your CRL files are stored in a LDAP repository, two additional parameters must be specified:

      • address: the address of the server that hosts the LDAP repository

      • port: the port used by the LDAP repository; CRLs are retrieved from an LDAP directory using the LDAP schema defined in RFC 2587 (refer to http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2587.txt). Specify the Configuration Parameters

The JAAS configuration sits on a file in which the login module to use for authentication is described. This file is located in $JONAS_BASE/conf and named jaas.config. To change its location and name, edit the $JOANS_BASE/bin/jonas.sh script and modify the following line:


The contents of the JAAS configuration file follow this structure:

Application_1 {
  LoginModuleClassA Flag Options;
  LoginModuleClassB Flag Options;
  LoginModuleClassC Flag Options;
Application_2  {
  LoginModuleClassB Flag Options;
  LoginModuleClassC Flag Options;
Other {
  LoginModuleClassC Flag Options;
  LoginModuleClassA Flag Options;

Sample of a configuration file with a CRL directory:

tomcat {
  org.objectweb.jonas.security.auth.spi.CRLLoginModule required

There can be multiple entries in this file, specifying different configurations that JOnAS can use. The entry dedicated to Tomcat must be named tomcat. Note that everything in this file is case-sensitive.

There is a flag associated with all the LoginModules to configure their behavior in case of success or failure:

  • required: The LoginModule is required to succeed. If it succeeds or fails, authentication still proceeds through the LoginModule list.

  • requisite: The LoginModule is required to succeed. If it succeeds, authentication continues through the LoginModule list. If it fails, control immediately returns to the application (authentication does not proceed through the LoginModule list).

  • sufficient: The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If it does succeed, control immediately returns to the application (authentication does not proceed through the LoginModule list). If it fails, authentication continues through the LoginModule list.

  • optimal: The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If it succeeds or fails, authentication still proceeds through the LoginModule list. Step 5: Populate the Realm Access List

Now, users will not have to enter a login/password. They will just present their certificates and authentication is performed transparently by the browser (after the user has imported the certificate into it). Therefore, the identity presented to the server is not a login, but a Distinguished Name: that is the name identifying the person to whom the certificate belongs.

This name has the following structure:

CN=Someone Unknown, OU=ObjectWeb, O=JOnAS, C=ORG

E  : Email Address
CN : Common Name
OU : Organizational Unit
O  : Organization
L  : Locality
ST : State or Province Name
C  : Country Name

The Subject in a certificate contains the main attributes and may include additional ones, such as Title, Street Address, Postal Code, Phone Number.

Previously in the jonas-realm.xml file a memory realm might contain:

<user name="jps_admin" password="admin" roles="administrator"/>

To enter a certificate-based user access, you must now enter the user's DN preceded by the String: ##DN##, as shown in the following example:

<user name="##DN##CN=whale, OU=ObjectWeb, O=JOnAS, L=JOnAS, ST=JOnAS, 
   C=ORG" password="" roles="jadmin" />

3.5.9. Configuring the JMS Service

Until JOnAS release 4.1, the only way to provide the JMS facilities was by setting a JMS service when configuring JOnAS. The JMS service is a default setting in the jonas.properties config file; however, this JMS service will not allow you to deploy 2.1 MDBs (Message Driven Beans), and will eventually become deprecated in later JOnAS versions.

The new way to integrate a JMS platform is by deploying a J2EE 1.4 compliant resource adapter. How you do this is described in Section 3.7 Configuring JMS Resource Adapters.

JOnAS integrates a third-party JMS implementation, JORAM (http://www.objectweb.org/joram/), which is the default JMS service. Other JMS providers, such as SwiftMQ (http://www.swiftmq.com/ and WebSphere MQ (http://www-3.ibm.com/software/integration/mqfamily/), can easily be integrated as JMS services.

The JMS service is used to contact (or launch) the corresponding MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) or JMS server. You should create the JMS-administered objects used by the EJB components, such as the connection factories and the destinations, prior to the EJB execution, using the proprietary JMS implementation administration facilities. JOnAS provides "wrappers" on such JMS administration APIs, which enable the EJB server itself to perform simple administration operations automatically.

The JMS service is an optional service that must be started before the EJB container service.

The following are the properties that can be set in jonas.properties file for the JMS service:

Some additional information about JMS configuration (in particular, several JORAM advanced configuration aspects) is provided in Section 26.4 JMS Administration and Section 26.5 Running an EJB Performing JMS Operations.

3.5.10. Configuring the Resource Service

The Resource service is an optional service that must be started as soon as EJB components require access to an external Enterprise Information Systems. The standard way to do this is to use a third-party software component called a Resource Adapter.

The role of the Resource service is to deploy the Resource Adapters in the JOnAS server, (that is, configure it in the operational environment and, in JNDI name space, register a connection factory instance that can be looked up by the EJB components).

The Resource service can be configured in one of the following ways:

A jonas-specific, resource-adapter configuration xml file must be included in each resource adapter. This file replicates the values of all configuration properties declared in the deployment descriptor for the resource adapter. Refer to Section 25.2 Defining the JOnAS Connector Deployment Descriptor for additional information.

3.5.11. Configuring the JMX (Java Management Extension) Service

The JMX service is mandatory and will be started even if it is not present in the list of services. It is configured by choosing one of the two supported JMX implementations, SUN RI or MX4J. The choice is made based on the value of the jonas.service.jmx.class property in the JOnAS configuration file. The two possible values are:

3.5.12. Configuring the Mail Service

The Mail service is an optional service that can be used to send email. It is based on JavaMail and on the JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API (refer to http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/ and http://java.sun.com/products/beans/glasgow/jaf.html respectively).

A mail factory is required in order to send or receive mail. JOnAS provides two types of mail factories: javax.mail.Session and javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource.

MimePartDataSource factories allow mail to be sent with a subject and the recipients already set.

Mail factory objects must be configured accordingly to their type. The subsections that follow briefly describe how to configure Session and MimePartDataSource mail factory objects, in order to run the SessionMailer SessionBean and the MimePartDSMailer SessionBean delivered with the platform. Configuring a Session Mail Factory

The template MailSession1.properties file supplied in the installation directory defines a mail factory of type Session. The JNDI name of the mail factory object is mailSession_1. This template must be updated with values appropriate to your installation.

Refer to $JONAS_BASE/conf/MailSession1.properties for a sample of the file and Section Configuring a Mail Factory for the list of available properties. Configuring MimePartDataSource Mail Factory

The template MailMimePartDS1.properties file supplied in the installation directory defines a mail factory of MimePartDSMailer type. The JNDI name of the mail factory object is mailMimePartDS_1. This template must be updated with values appropriate to your installation.

Refer to $JONAS_BASE/conf/MailMimePartDS1.properties for a sample of the file and Section Configuring a Mail Factory for a list of the available properties. Configuring JOnAS for a Mail Factory

Mail factory objects created by JOnAS must be given a name. In the mailsb example, two factories called MailSession1 and MailMimePartDS1 are defined.

Each factory must have a configuration file whose name is the name of the factory with the .properties extension (MailSession1.properties for the MailSession1 factory).

Additionally, the jonas.properties file must define the jonas.service.mail.factories property. For this example, it is:

jonas.service.mail.factories MailSession1,MailMimePartDS1 Configuring a Mail Factory

A mail factory has the following required properties:

mail.factory.nameJNDI name of the mail factory
mail.factory.typeThe type of the factory. This property can be javax.mail.Session or javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource.

Table 3-1. Required properties

A mail factory has the following optional authentication properties:

mail.authentication.usernameSet the username for the authentication.
mail.authentication.passwordSet the password for the authentication.

Table 3-2. Optional Authentication properties

The javax.mail.Session.properties file has the properties:

mail.authentication.usernameSet the username for the authentication.
mail.authentication.passwordSet the password for the authentication.
mail.debugThe initial debug mode. Default is false.
mail.fromThe return email address of the current user, used by the InternetAddress method getLocalAddress.
mail.mime.address.strictThe MimeMessage class uses the InternetAddress method parseHeader to parse headers in messages. This property controls the strict flag passed to the parseHeader method. The default is true.
mail.hostThe default host name of the mail server for both Stores and Transports. Used if the mail.protocol.host property is not set.
mail.store.protocolSpecifies the default message access protocol. The Session method getStore() returns a Store object that implements this protocol. By default the first Store provider in the configuration files is returned.
mail.transport.protocolSpecifies the default message access protocol. The Session method getTransport() returns a Transport object that implements this protocol. By default, the first Transport provider in the configuration files is returned.
mail.userThe default user name to use when connecting to the mail server. Used if the mail.protocol.user property is not set.
mail.<protocol>.classSpecifies the fully- qualified class name of the provider for the specified protocol. Used in cases where more than one provider for a given protocol exists; this property can be used to specify which provider to use by default. The provider must still be listed in a configuration file.
mail.<protocol>.hostThe host name of the mail server for the specified protocol. Overrides the mail.host property.
mail.<protocol>.portThe port number of the mail server for the specified protocol. If it is not specified, the protocol's default port number is used.
mail.<protocol>.userThe user name to use when connecting to mail servers using the specified protocol. Overrides the mail.user property.

Table 3-3. javax.mail.Session.properties

(Refer to JavaMail documentation at http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/1.3/docs/javadocs/overview-summary.html for more information.)

mail.toSet the list of primary recipients ("to") of the message.
mail.ccSet the list of Carbon Copy recipients ("cc") of the message.
mail.bccSet the list of Blind Carbon Copy recipients ("bcc") of the message.
mail.subjectSet the subject of the message.

Table 3-4. MimePartDataSource properties (used only if mail.factory.type is javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource)