JupyterHub User Guide

Using JupyterHub's REST API

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Using JupyterHub's REST API

Using the JupyterHub REST API, you can perform actions on the Hub, such as:

  • checking which users are active
  • adding or removing users
  • stopping or starting single user notebook servers
  • authenticating services

A REST API provides a standard way for users to get and send information to the Hub.

Creating an API token

To send requests using JupyterHub API, you must pass an API token with the request. You can create a token for an individual user using the following command:

jupyterhub token USERNAME

Adding tokens to the config file

You may also add a dictionary of API tokens and usernames to the hub's configuration file, jupyterhub_config.py:

c.JupyterHub.api_tokens = {
    'secret-token': 'username',

Making an API request

To authenticate your requests, pass the API token in the request's Authorization header.

Example: List the hub's users

Using the popular Python requests library, the following code sends an API request and an API token for authorization:

import requests

api_url = ''

r = requests.get(api_url + '/users',
             'Authorization': 'token %s' % token,

users = r.json()

Note that the token authorizes JupyterHub REST API requests. The same token does not authorize access to the Jupyter Notebook REST API provided by notebook servers managed by JupyterHub.

Learning more about the API

You can see the full JupyterHub REST API for details. The same REST API Spec can be viewed in a more interactive style on swagger's petstore. Both resources contain the same information and differ only in its display. Note: The Swagger specification is being renamed the OpenAPI Initiative.