

friendof — Returns a list of which other LiveJournal users list this user as their friend.

Mode Description

Returns a list of which other LiveJournal users list this user as their friend.



The protocol request mode: friendof


Username. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored, as is case.


The authentication method used for this request. Default is 'clear', for plain-text authentication. 'cookie' or any of the challenge / response methods are also acceptable.


DEPRECATED. Password in plain-text. For the default authentication method, either this needs to be sent, or hpassword.


DEPRECATED. Alternative to plain-text password. Password as an MD5 hex digest. Not perfectly secure, but defeats the most simple of network sniffers.


If using challenge / response authentication, this should be the challenge that was generated for your client.


If using challenge / response authentication, this should be the response hash you generate based on the challenge's formula.


(Optional) Protocol version supported by the client; assumed to be 0 if not specified. See Chapter 11: Protocol Versions for details on the protocol version.


(Optional) If set to a numeric value greater than zero, this mode will only return the number of results indicated. Useful only for building pretty lists for display which might have a button to view the full list nearby.

Return Values


OK on success or FAIL when there's an error. When there's an error, see errmsg for the error text. The absence of this variable should also be considered an error.


The error message if success was FAIL, not present if OK. If the success variable isn't present, this variable most likely won't be either (in the case of a server error), and clients should just report "Server Error, try again later.".


The number of records that will be returned. The records returned are named numerically, using a 1-based index. (1 .. friendof_count)


The nth user that lists this user as their friend.


The nth user's full name.


The background color the nth user chose to represent the current user.


The text color the nth user chose to represent the current user.


The account type of this user, if it's not a personal account. Currently the only possible value is "community", which means you're a member of that community.


The status of this user. If this field is absent, the user has a normal active account. Otherwise the currently possible values for this field are "deleted", "suspended" and "purged".