

  1. Restricting Route Access
  2. Password Hashing
  3. LDAP Authentication
  4. Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

Restricting Route Access

Please refer to the Routing section for the instructions on securing the routes.

Password Hashing

Password hashing and comparison is handled by the buddy.hashers namespace provided by the Buddy.

It provides two functions, encrypt and check. The first will encrypt and salt the password, while the second compares the raw password to the encrypted string generated by the first. BCrypt is used as the default encryption algorithm.

(ns myapp.auth
   [buddy.hashers :as hashers]))

(def raw "secret")
(def encrypted (hashers/encrypt raw))
(hashers/check raw encrypted)

The encrypt function allows specifying additional parameters such as the algorithm and the number of iterations:

(hashers/encrypt "secretpassword" {:algorithm :pbkdf2+sha256})
(hashers/encrypt "secretpassword" {:algorithm :pbkdf2+sha256
                                   :salt "123456"})
(hashers/encrypt "secretpassword" {:algorithm :pbkdf2+sha256
                                   :salt "123456"
                                   :iterations 200000})

The following algorithms with their associated options and defaults are seen below:

  • :algorithm :bcrypt+sha512
    • :iterations 12
    • :salt random
  • :algorithm :pbkdf2+sha256
    • :iterations 100000
    • :salt random
  • :algorithm :pbkdf2+sha3_256
    • :iterations 100000
    • :salt random
  • :algorithm :pbkdf2+sha1
    • :iterations 100000
    • :salt random
  • :algorithm :scrypt
    • :salt random
    • :cpucost 65536
    • :memcost 8
    • :parallelism 1
  • :algorithm :sha256
    • :salt random
  • :algorithm :md5
    • :salt random

For information on restricting access to specific routes, please refer to the routing section.

For an alternative security solution you may wish to check out the Friend library.

LDAP Authentication

The following example demonstrates how to authenticate with the sAMAccountName using the clj-ldap library.

First, we'll add the following dependency to your project.clj.

[org.clojars.pntblnk/clj-ldap "0.0.9"]

Next, we'll need to require the LDAP client in the authentication namespace.

(ns ldap-auth
  (:require [clj-ldap.client :as client]))

We can then define our LDAP host as follows, note that the host key points to a vector of LDAP servers.

(def host
    [{:address ""
      :port 389
      :connect-timeout (* 1000 5)
      :timeout (* 1000 30)}]})

Finally, we'll write a function to authenticate the user using the above host definition.

(defn authenticate [username password & [attributes]]
  (let [server (client/connect host)
        qualified-name (str username "@" (-> host :host first :address))]
    (if (client/bind? server qualified-name  password)
      (first (client/search server "OU=MyOrgPeople,DC=myorg,DC=ca"
                            {:filter (str "sAMAccountName=" username)
                             :attributes (or attributes [])})))))

The attributes vector can be used to filter the keys that are returned, an empty vector will return all the keys associated with the account.

Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

CSRF attack involves a third party performing an action on your site using the credentials of a logged-in user. This can commonly occur when your site contains a malicious link, a form button, or some JavaScript.

Ring-Anti-Forgery is used to protect against CSRF attacks. Anti-forgery protection is enabled by default.

Once the CSRF middleware is enabled a randomly-generated string will be assigned to the anti-forgery-token var. Any POST requests coming to the server will have to contain a parameter called __anti-forgery-token with this token.

The <app>.layout namespace of your application creates a csrf-field tag that can be used to provide the token on the page:

(parser/add-tag! :csrf-field (fn [_ _] (anti-forgery-field)))

We can use it in our templates as follows:

<form name="input" action="/login" method="POST">
  {% csrf-field %}
  Username: <input type="text" name="user">
  Password: <input type="password" name="pass">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Any requests that aren't GET or HEAD and do not contain the token will be rejected by the middleware. The server will respond with a 403 error saying "Invalid anti-forgery token".

The anti-forgery middleware is wrapped around the home-routes in the app definition of the <app>.handler namespace. Note that the wrap-csrf wrapper will be applied to home-routes explicitly, and should be applied to any other route groups that are not meant to be used by external clients.

(def app
  (-> (routes
        (wrap-routes home-routes middleware/wrap-csrf) ;;wraps CSRF protection
If you wish to disable it for any reason then simply update the app definition as follows:

(def app
  (-> (routes
        home-routes ;;no CSRF protection

Please see here on details how to enable CSRF for select routes in your application.